9.Think about providing different context for introducing new words 10.Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that students may have
Ways of consolidating vocabulary 巩固词汇的方法 1) Labeling标注词汇 2) Spot the differences 3) Describe and draw 4) Play a game
5)using the Internet resources for more ideas 6) Use word series 单词系列 7) Word bingo
9) word association 自此联想 10) find synonyms and antonyms 11) categories
12) Using word net-work 网状图
Developing vocabulary learning strategies: 1) Review regularly
2) Guess meaning from context 3) Organize vocabulary effectively 4) Use learned vocabulary
Unit 9 Teaching Listening
The characteristics of listening in real life (adapted from Ur,
1) Spontaneity 自发性 2) Context 环境 3) Visual clues 视觉线索 4) Listener’ s response 回应 5) Speaker’ s adjustment调节
Principles and models for teaching listening: 1)Focus on process
2) Combine listening and speaking 3) Focus on comprehending meaning 4) Grade difficulty level appropriately Three teaching stages
1.Pre-listening activities: 听前活动 1) Predicting 预测
2) Setting the scene设置现场
3) Listening for the gist 听力要点 4) Listening for specific information 细节理解 2.While-listening activities 1) No specific responses
2) Listen and tick 标记 3) Listen and sequence 顺序 4) Listen and act
5) Listen and draw 6) Listen and fill填写 7) Listen and take notes
3.Post-listening activities听后活动 1) Multiple-choice questions 多项选择 2) Answering questions
3) Note-taking and gap-filling填空 Dictogloss (1) Preparation (2) Dictation 听写 (3) Reconstruction. (4) Analysis and correction.
Unit 10 Teaching Speaking
Principles for teaching speaking
1.Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices 2.Contextualising practice 3.Personalising practice 4.Building up confidence
5.Maximising meaningful interactions 6.Helping students develop speaking strategies
7.Making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students
Designing speaking tasks:
1) Maximum foreign talk 尽可能用外语交谈 2) Even participation 平等参与 3) High motivation 高积极性
4)Right language level 语言水平相对应 Types of speaking tasks:
1.pre-communicative activities交际前活动 Structural activities
Quasi-communication activities 2.communicative activities Functional communication activities Social interaction activities 人际互动 Some Speaking activities Controlled activities Semi-controlled activities Communicative activities Information-gap activities
Dialogues and role-play对话和角色扮演 Activities using pictures Problem-solving activities
Unit 10 Teaching Reading
Two types of reading practice in classrooms:
Reading aloud&Silent reading The ways of Reading effectively: 1.Have a clear purpose in reading 2.Read silently 3.Read phrase by phrase
4.Concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts
5.Use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks 6.Perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate
7.Guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them 8.Have and use background information to help understand the text Principles and models for teaching reading:
Bottom-up model:teaching new vocabulary and structures first Top-down model: introducing background knowledge first Interactive model:visual information Three stages: Pre-reading:
Predicting, setting the scene, skimming浏览, and scanning寻读 Predicting based on the title, vocabulary,the T/ F question While-reading
Reading comprehension questions 阅读理解
王蔷-英语教学法教程-英汉对照-A Course in English Language Teaching