the many that have not.
Consider also the belief that \\you are in the shower, the event will stand out and be remembered. If it doesn't ring, that nonevent probably won't even register.
People want to see order, pattern and meaning in the world. Consider, for exam-ple, the common belief that things like personal misfortunes, plane crashes, and deaths \\from the tendency of people to allow the third event to define the time period. If three plane crashes occur in a month, then the period of time that counts as their \\occur in a year, the period of time is stretched. Flexible end points reinforce such beliefs. We also tend to believe what we want to believe. A majority of people think they are more intelligent, more fair-minded and more skilled behind the wheel of an auto-mobile than the average person. Part of the reason we view ourselves so favorably is that we use criteria that work to our advantage. As economist Thomas Schelling ex-plains, \\weight to care, skilled drivers give weight to skill, and those who are polite give weight to courtesy,\\way everyone ranks high on his
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own scale.
Perhaps the most important mental habit we can learn is to be cautiousin drawing conclusions. The \\The word \\A. good manners B. appropriate speech C. friendly relations D. satisfactory service courtesy这个词在三级教学大纲中没有,是一个六级词汇,有一定难度。但只要找到courtesy所在的上下文....careful drivers give weight to care, skilled drivers give weight to skill, and those who are polite give weight to courtesy…,可以知道这些分句说的是同一意思:“具有某一特点的人重视某一特点”,那么“有礼貌的人重视礼貌”(“those who are polite give weight to courtesy”),此可知“courtesy”的意思是“礼貌”,那么A为正确答案。 第3页
2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 –独家原创
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