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题目(中文): 英汉红色词义对比研究

(英文):A Comparative Study on the Sense of Red in English

and Chinese

学 院 外国语 年级专业 04级英语师范 学生姓名 张冬叶 学 号 040101168 指导教师 王慧敏

完 成 日 期2008 年4 月


A Comparative Study on the Sense of Red in

English and Chinese

Written by Zhang Dongye Supervised by Professor Wang Huimin

A Thesis Submitted to Shanghai Normal University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

in English Education

Foreign Languages College, Shanghai Normal University

April 2008



This thesis is dedicated to all the teachers who have taught me a lot, especially to my supervisor, who has helped to work out the outline, giving me enlightening advice throughout the whole process of the present thesis. To her, I owe a profound debt of gratitude.

The work would not have been possible without the help of my roommates and friends, who gave me a lot of encouragement when I was at a loss. We discussed a lot and moved forward.

I am particularly indebted to my father and mother, who encouraged me to persist and gave me the best they could offer.

Without all the support, I could not have completed this tough work.



Colour terms are abundant in both English and Chinese,such as red, yellow, and blue. In this thesis, I have attempted to make a comparison between the sense of red in English and that in Chinese by studying the examples collected from all the materials available.

The thesis is divided into three parts. In Chapter One, I relate colour terms with cognition and culture in English and Chinese. In Chapter Two, I list a lot of examples related to red in English and Chinese and analyse them from three aspects in terms of their sense: exact equivalence, partial equivalence, no equivalence. In Chapter Three, I find out the factors that cause these semantic similarities and differences of red from the perspective of cognition and culture.

Through a comparative study of the sense of red in English and Chinese, I shed light on the three kinds of equivalent relationship of red terms in English and Chinese. The three kinds of equivalent relationship indicate that there exist similarity and difference in red terms between English and Chinese. Both similarity and difference are attributed to cognitive basis and cultural influence. If people know them well, they can achieve better cross-culture communication.

Key words: the sense of red; semantic equivalence; similarity; difference; cognition;




在英语和汉语中, 存在着丰富的颜色词, 如红色,黄色,蓝色。在这篇文章中,通过研究所获材料中的例子,我尝试着对英汉红色词义进行了对比分析。

本文分为三个部分。在第一章中,我谈到了颜色词与认知和文化的关系。在第二章中,我列举了中英文里有关红色词语的许多例子, 并且结合三种语义对等关系对它们进行了分析:英汉语义的完全对应,部分对应和不完全对应。在第三章中,我从认知以及文化的角度,阐释了导致这些红色词语在中英文里语义相似和不同的原因。


关键词: 红色语义;语义对应;相似;差异;认知;文化




