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2021新课标名师导学高考英语译林版第一轮总复习考点集训(三十六) 四、形容词和副词

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考点集训(三十六) 四、形容词和副词 对应学生用书p342


1.____________(actual), all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.

2.—The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting.

—Why? It’s ____________(interesting) than the films I have ever seen. 3.The Internet makes us smarter over ____________(vary) kinds of things.

4.They gave money to the old people’s home either ____________(person) or through their companies.

5.The camps have excellent horses,____________(profession) guides and lots of support workers.

6.Each individual ant hardly weighs anything, but put together they weigh ____________(rough) the same as all of mankind.

7.At first she didn’t agree. ____________, she changed her mind later.

8.If you feel ____________(stress) by responsibilities at work,you should take a step back and identify those of greater and less importance.

9.It’s believed that the ____________(hard) you work, the ____________(great) progress you will make.

10.These animals ____________(typical) live between the surface of the ocean and a depth of about 3,300 feet—as far as most light can reach.

11.When hearing the ____________(surprise) news that Michael Jackson passed away, they were ____________(surprise) to look at each other.

12.You can depend on him to come on time—he is very ____________(rely).

13.His excuse for being late for school yesterday was ____________(believe). He is always telling lies.

14.Publishers don’t see e-books as a threat to written books. ____________, they see them as an opportunity to draw in a new generation of readers.

15.This is by far ____________(inspiring) movie that I have ever seen.

16.On Sundays, many parents go to the boarding school ____________(special) to see their children.

17.____________(conscious) of the danger ahead of her, she walked deeper into the woods to seek her fortune.

18.A police car appeared on the road, the thief had a ____________(frighten) look on his face.

19.The top student named Michael in our class could have finished the English paper on time, but ____________, he failed.

20.What was so ____________(impress) about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.



2.more interesting。句意:——我不得不说,这部电影一点都不有趣。——为什么?它比我看过的电影都更加有趣。根据than可知此处是表示比较,所以应该填形容词的比较级,故填more interesting。







9.harder; greater。句意:你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。“the+比较级...,the+比较级……”意为“越……,越……”,表示后者随着前者的变化而变化。


11.surprising; surprised。句意:当他们听到迈克尔·杰克逊去世的这个令人吃惊的消息

时,他们吃惊地望着彼此。v-ed形式形容词常修饰人,而v-ing形式形容词常修饰物,这里修饰“news”,故填surprising。be surprised to对……感到吃惊,该短语是固定短语,故填surprised。


13.unbelievable。句意:他昨天迟到的借口是不可信的。他总是撒谎。由“He is always telling lies(他总是撒谎)”可知,前一句话是说他的借口不可信,故填unbelievable。


15.the most inspiring。句意:这是我看过的最鼓舞人心的电影了。by far常与形容词或副词的比较级或最高级连用。根据that引导的定语从句的描述可知,应用最高级形式,前面加the。故填the most inspiring。





20.impressive。句意:Jasmine Westland的胜利给人印象如此深刻的一点就是,她光着脚跑马拉松赛并且夺得了第一名。impressive“给人深刻印象的”,符合句意。was为系动词,后面跟形容词做表语,副词so修饰形容词impressive。故填impressive。


1.To achieve our dream,we need the followed strategies.

2.There are a small number of people involved,possibly as little as twenty.

3.With all these inventions and technology advancements, the future of the digital camera is brightly.

4.A few months before, most of the digital cameras were equipped with focus lenses. 5.Their product is of good quality and sells good on the home market.

6.Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is clean than ever.

7.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regular.

8.After a long journey, these travelers returned to the hotel, tired and sleep. 9.These birds are very rare; however, they are supposed to be protected by law.

10.Though brought up in Los Angeles, Steven Davidson spent his whole life most in New York.


1.followed改为following。句意:为了实现我们的梦想,我们需要以下策略。following “以下的”为形容词修饰名词strategies且符合句意。故将followed改为following。




5.第二个good改为well。句意:他们的产品质量好,在国内市场很畅销。此处修饰动词sells,应用副词。表示“很畅销,卖得很好”,要用sell well。故将第二个good改成well。

6.clean改为cleaner。句意:最后,努力工作得到了回报,现在河里的水比以往任何时候都更清洁。than ever暗示了应用形容词的比较级cleaner。故将clean改为cleaner。


8.sleep改为sleepy。句意:长途旅行之后,这些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。形容词或形容词短语可做状语使用, 表示主语的状态,故将sleep改为sleepy。


10.most改为mostly。句意:尽管在洛杉矶长大,Steven Davidson的整个一生主要在纽约度过。同为副词,most表示“最”;mostly表示“主要地,通常”。


Passage 1

Some time ago,a friend of mine,who worked in a part of the city I didn't know very 1.____________(good), invited me to call on him.It took me hours to get there and took 2.____________(greatly) trouble to find a proper spot to park my car.As I was already three-quarters of an hour late,I parked my car 3.____________(quick).

At noon,just as I was leaving my friend's office,it 4.____________(sudden) struck me that I had no idea where I had parked my car.I could 5.____________(hard) go up to a policeman and tell him that I had lost a small green car somewhere! Walking down street after street,I examined each car 6.____________(close) and was very happy to see a small green car just behind an old car.But how 7.____________(disappoint) I was to discover that though the car was 8.____________(exact) like my own,it belonged to someone else! Feeling quite 9.____________(tire) now,I went off for lunch.Some time 10.____________(late),I left the restaurant and walked down the street.Turning the corner, I nearly jumped for joy:my car was right in front of me,and there was no problem this time.


1.well 2.great 3.quickly 4.suddenly 5.hardly

6.closely 7.disappointed 8.exactly 9.tired 10.later

Passage 2

It was 9 o'clock in the evening and I was 1.____________(anxious) waiting for a call from my boyfriend,who had promised to phone me after finishing his meeting.An hour passed,but he still didn't call me,so I became 2.____________(slight) angry.I became more

3.____________(annoy) when another hour passed and could not hold myself back from dialing his number.However,there was no answer on the phone but a voice speaking 4.____________(cold), “The number you dialed is power off.” Hearing this,I was 5.____________surprised than angry and then became 6.____________(worry) about him.Was there anything wrong with him? However,I could do nothing but wait.7.____________(late) that night,I finally got his call and felt much 8.____________(good).He said,“I'm sorry to call you so late.But it is really unexpected that the meeting lasts so long.” 9.____________(honest) speaking,if he had called me one hour 10.__________(early),I would have scolded him severely.However,after the long and anxious waiting,I was only too glad that he was still safe.


1.anxiously 2.slightly 3.annoyed 4.coldly 5.more 6.worried 7.Later 8.better 9.Honestly 10.earlier

2021新课标名师导学高考英语译林版第一轮总复习考点集训(三十六) 四、形容词和副词


