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Unit 1My classroom


1.灵活运用介词in, on, under和near.

2.能够够规范书写Where is…?及其答句It’s on/in/under/near… 学习重点: 书写重点句型。 学习难点:

理解介词在中英文句式中的的例外。 一、Review to understand (温故知新) Read and translate.(英汉互译。) 1. classroom ________2.电扇________ 3. window ________4. picture ________ 5. door ________6. blacboard ________ 7.地板________8. teacher’s des ________ 9. light ________10. wall ________ 二、Self-learning (自主学习)

选择最恰当的答案,将其序号填入前面的括号中。 () 1. We ________ a new classroom. A. haveB. areC. is

() 2. --Our new classroom is very big.--Let“s go and have ____ loo. A. theB. aC. /

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() 3. --________ John“s seat? A. What“sB. WhereC. Where“s () 4. There is a picture ______ the wall. A. onB. inC. at

() 5. Your school is ________ big. A. soB. goC. to

()6.______ go and have a loo. A. LetB.Let“sC. Let to ()7.This is a ______des. A.teacherB. teacher“sC. teachers

()8.Let“s clean the classroom.__________. A. Than you.B. All right.C. How nice. ()9. __________? It“s near the window. A. Do you lie it?B. It“s green.C. Where“s my seat? ()10.Loo! This is my red des. __________ .

A. Great! It“s very nice.B. Than you.C. Nice to meet you. 三、Group-wor (合作探究)

Read and guess the meanings. (读一读,翻译下列句子。) 1. Where is myclassroom?

_________________________________. 2. It’snearthewindow.

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_________________________________. 四、Consolidation(巩固练习) Loo and write. (看图仿写句子。)

五、Epanding Practice (拓展训练)读一读,连线。 Where’s my seat?Many dess and chairs... What’s in the classroom?It’s near the door. This is my new classroom.Good idea. Let’s clean the classroom.Wow! It’s so big! Loo at the picture.Nice to meet you.

We have a new classroom. Really?Let’s go and have a loo.

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