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5.I am glad to see that the changes of another year have permitted you to move in health through this beautiful world. 看到又一年的变迁后,你仍能健康地 生活在这美丽的世间,我很欣慰。

6.TogethertheOldGentlemanandPetewalkedsouthtothe samerestaurant whereeachyear PetehadhisThandsgivingdinner.

这位老绅士与彼特一起向南走,又进了那同一家餐馆,每年彼特都在那里 享用他的感恩节晚餐。

UNIT7(p180) 1


onerelationshipthatdemandsakeenawarenessoftheotherperson nt and particular interests.

对法国人来讲,友谊是一种一对一的人际关系,要求双方了解彼此的智 力、性格以及特殊的兴趣。

2. French friendships are divided into categories. 法国式的友谊分为不同的类型,有具体的分工。 3. Different friends fill different niches in each person are not made part of family life.

6 不同的朋友在每个人的生活中有不同的作用,他们不介入家庭生活。

4. Outside the family, men and women find in their closest friends of the same sex the devotion of a sister, the loyalty of abrother.


5. Like ties of kinship,ties of friendship are meant to be absolutely binding.

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6. There is recognition that friendships are formed in contrast with kinship, through freedom of choice.不同模式的友谊共同点是都承认友谊,与亲缘关系不 同之处是能够自由选择,朋友能够选择,也能被别人选择。

UNIT 8(p207)

1.Tiny showerhead could be used to spray computer chips with water and keep them from overheating 为防止芯片过热,可用极小的莲蓬头向其喷水。

2.The problem of preventing ever more powerful chips from overheating is getti ng computer en gi neers in a sweat防止功能日益强大的芯片过热是电脑工程 师面临的艰巨任务。

3.The latest trick is to add layers of tiny water-filled copper tubes that efficiently conduct heat away from the chip. 最近又有了新招数,在芯片上附加层 层叠叠的装水小铜管以有效散热。

4. Patel and his team tested the idea using a printer inkjet cartridge that had an array of 512 separate nozzles派特及其同事运用有 512独立的喷嘴的墨盒检验了 这个想法。

5.You won ' t need to cool the memory as much as the central processing unit. 中央处理器比存储器更需要降温。

6.It is provocaitive idea and has some merit. 这是一个吸引人的想法,颇有可取之处。 UNIT II (P230)

76.It was thoughtful of you to come and see me when I was ill . 生病时,承蒙你们关心来看我,我很感激。

77.You will be informed when the book becomes available. 这本书一有货就通知你。

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78.She caught sigh of a car in the distance. 她一眼瞥见远处的汽车。

79.Would you mind if I went hom early? 我早点回家你反对吗?

80.Visitors are request not to touch the exhibits. 参观者请勿触摸展品。 7

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