Under the cirumstances, there is no hope for an early settlement 4. 夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多。( more…than
2There are more cars on the roads in summer than in winter 5. 我感到似乎我们从未分离过。 ( as though,part) I feel as though we have never parted
6. 她那么拼命地干,以便能到 6 点把一切都准备好。( so that )… She worked so hard that everything would be ready by six oclock UNIT7( p180)
1、 我们选聘人员担任重要职务时要考虑三个条件:受教育程度,经验和业 绩。( take into account)Whenchoosingpeopleforimportantpositions , threequalificationsaretakenintoaccount:schooling,experienceandachievement
2、 国际互联网是 20 世纪 80 年代后期诞生, 90 年代发展起来的。( come into) Internet came into being in the late 80
' s anddeveloped in the 90 's
3、 她和父母一起打乒乓球的时候,感到和他们最融洽。 ( fall into step ) She fell she and her family fall into step when they played ping-pong toghter 4、 她在新岗位上努力工作,不是为了给上司留下好印象,而是为了发挥自
己的才干。(not so mush …as…She works hard on her new post not so much to leave her superior a good imprression as to make use of her intellect and ability5、 做了三年的翻译工作以后,他又重新执起教鞭。( take up)
Having worked as a translator for three years, he took up his old tride as a teacher 6 .我觉得单是面试不可能把能者筛选出来。(make…possible I don ' t think interviews a lone make it to seclect the able/ I don can be seclected by being interviewed onlyUNIT 8( p207)
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confident )
They don ' n seen to be very confident about the feture of the industy 2. 随着高科技的不断发展,给电脑 “冲凉 ”已经是很普遍的事了。
( continual, take a shower)With the continual development of high tech,it is a com mon thi ng that people made computer take a shower3 .厂家应及时地接受从 顾客那里反馈来的信息。( feed back)
Factories should timely accept the information fed back from the customers 4.
These figures work out differently each time I add them 5.
支烟,然后继续讲述那次事故。 (
他停下话头,又点了一go on)
我每次把这些数字相加,算出work out )
He paused to light another cigarette and then went on with his accident 6.
The thief was cought,as they expected,but he claimed that he had not stden anything UNIT II (P230) 71. 我们将日夜兼程。
We' ll travel by night as well as by day 72. 这里的生活比过去容易得多。 Life here is much easier than it used to be 73.不要把头伸出窗外。
Don't stick your head out of the window
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