《单片机应用与仿真训练》设计报告 出租车计价器设计 姓名学号: 专业班级: 指导老师: 所在学院: 2012年6月25日
关键字:出租车计价器,AT89S52,24C02,光电对管 Abstract
This design with DC motor to rotate the analog taxi wheels turning, multi-purpose taxi pricing function. Design using AT89S52 MCU for master chip with a photoelectric tube test motor turntable speed, AT24C02 chip to make the system power-down distance, money and other important information on the storage protection, the use of two four-segment common cathode digital display tube mileage, the total price and waiting time information. This design enables single and double-way set, system halted, empty instructions, information display, power-down protection and other functions.
The taxi meter according to the distance traveled by the vehicle and passengers ride the decision. Taxi driving the total distance by the circumference of the wheel drive wheel rotation laps. Can be calculated by the wheel rotation a few weeks a taxi to travel one kilometer away. The use of opto-the number of turns of the tube can be easily measured wheel rotation, the output
pulse signal is connected to the microcontroller AT89S52 system, calculated by computing the number of pulses received, the current driving distance, and can calculate the real-time speed . At the same time, the charge will be calculated according to the different charges. Able to achieve a round trip via the keyboard settings, start, pause, stop the meter, set the single return. Key words: Meter, AT89S52,AT24C02,Photoelectric tube 目录 1 概述
2 系统总体方案及硬件设计 2.1系统总体方案 2 2.2 硬件电路设计单元 2
2.2.1 电源电路单元 2 2.2.2 系统控制单元 3 2.2.3 驱动电路单元 6 2.2.4 信号检测单元 7 2.2.5 显示单元
2.2.6 数据存储单元 9 3 软件设计 10 3.1 软件设计流程图 103.2 计算模块 11 3.3 键盘扫描 11 3.4 显示程序
3.5 PWM波地生成 11 3.6 速度检测 12 3.7 程序源代码
4 Proteus软件仿真 13
5 课程设计体会 6 主要参考文献 致谢
14 16
附1 程序源代码 附2 系统原理图
18 33
1 概述
本设计硬件电路分为六个单元:电源电路单元,系统控制单元,驱动电路单元,信号检测单元,显示单元和数据存储单元.软件系统分为五个大地模块为:总初始化模块,按键扫描模块,中断与定时模块,数据计算模块,数码管显示模块.其中,键盘扫描和数码管显示采用查询方式,转速信号接收与等待记时采用中断方式.这些软硬件系统构成了最终地设计. 2 系统总体方案及硬件设计 2.1系统总体方案
图2.1系统设计总框图 2.2 硬件电路设计单元