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小学英语四年级下册 Module 6测试卷及答案

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小学英语四年级下Module 6检测题



( )1.A.erhu B. drum C. music D. guitar ( ) 2.A. better B. worse C. higher D. beautiful ( ) 3.A.father B. sister C. worker D. brother ( ) 4.A. white B. blue C. red D. rope ( ) 5.A.read B. letter C. write D. send 二、将下列词组翻译成汉语。

1. Chinese Music ___________________ 2.be quiet ___________________ 3. play the zither __________________ 4. her voice __________________ 5. I think _________________

三、选择符合图意的句子,将其序号写在图片下面的括号里。 1. We are going to Hainan by plane.

2. Can she play the drums? No, she can’t. She can play the erhu. 3. She is playing the flute now. 4. This is a boy. He’s very clever.

5. This girl is doing her homework at home. 6. The bear is playing the guiter. 7. My mother is cooking dinner. 8. He is going to school.

9. Will they play chess? Yes, they will. 10. Is she playing the zither? Yes, she is.



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 四、单项选择。

( )1.--Do you agree , Sam?

-- _____.

A. Yes, I don’t. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I will.

( )2. This boy is _____ than the girls.

A. good B. gooder C. better

( )3.______ not go and play in the park?

A. Why B. What C. Where

( )4. It’s Tom. He’s ____ brother.

A. I B. me C. my

( )5.Tom, _______ quite, please!

A. Am B. Is C. Be

( )6.--Who is that little boy?


A. He’s my sister. B. It’s Tom. C. He’s six.

( )7. _______ it be sunny in Hainan? A. Is B. Do C. Will ( )8.--Can Daming play the erhu?


A. Yes, they can. B. No, he can’t. C. Yes, they will.

( )9.I’m from ________. I’m a _______ girl.

A. China, Chinese B. Chinese, China C. Chinese, Chinese


) 小学英语外研版四年级下册测试卷及答案

( )10. Is he _______ than his big sister?

A. gooder B. bader C. worse


( )1.当你同意别人的看法时,用英语应该说: A. Yes, I agree. B. Yes, I don’t think so. C. I think so. ( )2.我认为流行歌曲比较好,用英语应该说:

A. Pop music is better. B. I think music is better. C. I think pop music is better. ( )3.Tom 唱的比Sam 差,用英语应该说:

A. Tom is worse than Sam. B. Tom sings worse than Sam. C. Tom sings better than Sam. ( ) 4.那个女孩是谁? 用英语应该说:

A. Which is that girl? B. Who is that girl?C.Who is girl? ( ) 5.你喜欢什么音乐?用英语应该说:

A. What music do you like? B. What do you like? C. Do you like music? ( )6.教室里太乱了,老师维持秩序,用英语应该说:

A. He’s very good. B. You’re very good. C. Be quiet, please. ( ) 7.怎样评价学生的作业?

A. Jack’s better B. Jack’s writing is worse. C. Jack is good. ( )8.你想了解别人的想法,你会问“……”

A. Be quiet. B. Do you agree. C. Do you know? 六、问句答句连 一连。

1.Can he play the guitar? A. Chinese music. 2.Is Tom better than Sam? B. She is Lili. 3.Who is that girl? C. Yes, he is. 4.What music do you like? D. No, I don’t. 5.Do you agree? E. Yes, he can. 七、 根据要求改写句子。

1.That woman is my teacher.(对画线部分提问) is that woman?

2. Do you agree, Sam?(做否定回答)



I . 3. Sam can play the drums.(改为一般疑问句) Sam play the drums? 4. I can play the erhu.(改为否定句) I play the erhu.

5. I like Chinese music.(对画线部分提问) you like?

八、给下列单词排排队,组成完整的句子。 1. the Tom winner is (.) _____________________________ 2. little who boy is that (?) _________________________________ 3. play guitar they the can (.) _______________________________ 4. think is I worse she (.) _______________________________ 5. better Amy you than is (.) ______________________________ 九、根据开头字母填入句中所缺单词。 1. This girl is b_______. That girl is w_______. 2. Tom is b_______ than the girls. He is the w_______. 3. What m_______ do you like? I like p_______ m_______. 4. This girl is good. I like her v_______. 5. That’s a g_______ idea. 6.Sam is s______ than Daming. 十、阅读理解。

This is the Music Class. Tom can play the erhu. But Sam can’t. He can play the drums. Lili is very good. She can play the piano and the violin. Lingling can play the zither. She likes Chinese music. Kim like pop music. He plays the guitar very well. He is better than Kate. They all like music.



根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Lili is bad. She can’t play the violin. ( )2. Tom can play the erhu. ( )3. Kim likes Chinese music. ( )4. Lingling likes Chinese music.


小学英语四年级下Module 6检测题

一、1—5 CDCDB

二、1.中国音乐 2.安静 3.弹古筝 4.她的声音 5.我认为 三、8—4—10—6—2 3—1---9---5---7 四、1—5 BCACC 6—10 ACBAC 五、1—8 ACBBACBB 六、1—5 ECBAD

七、1.Who 2.No, don’t 3.can 4.can’t 5.What 八、1.Tom is the winner.

2.Who is that boy? 3.They can play the guitar. 4.I think she is worse. 5.Amy is better than you.

九、1.bad,worse 2.better,winner 3.music,pop music 4.voice 5.good/great 6.stronger 十、1—4 FTFT


小学英语四年级下册 Module 6测试卷及答案


