阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle,1859年5月22日~1930年7月7日),生于苏格兰爱丁堡,因塑造了成功的侦探人物——夏洛克·福尔摩斯而成为侦探小说历史上最重要的作家之一。代表作有《福尔摩斯探案集》(包括《血字的研究》、《四签名》、《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》等)。
Arthur Conan Doyle (22 May 1859 -- 7 July 1930) was one of the most influential writers in the history of detective fiction. He was the creator of Sherlock Holmes.His representative works include The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (including A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, etc.).
Conan Doyle's contribution to the detective novel is huge. The story structure, reasoning techniques and the idea of his novels have set a model for this type of novel. He is worthy of the literary master, and he has pushed the detective novel to a new era.The series of Sherlock Holmes is an immortal classic that opened up the \It is popular all over the world and is the most highly praised detective novel in history.
He is also the author of The Lost World and many other genres of fiction, including science fiction, suspense, historical fiction, romance, drama and poetry.
The rich landowner Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead in the park of his manor surrounded by the grim moor of Dartmoor, in the county of Devon. His death seems to have been caused by a heart attack, but the victim's best friend, Dr. Mortimer, is convinced that the strike was due to a
supernatural creature, which haunts the moor in the shape of an enormous hound, with blazing eyes and jaws. In order to protect Baskerville's heir, Sir Henry, who's arriving to London from Canada, Dr. Mortimer asks for Sherlock Holmes' help, telling him also of the so-called Baskervilles' curse, according to which a monstrous hound has been haunting and killing the family males for centuries, in revenge for the misdeeds of one Sir Hugo Baskerville, who lived at the time of Oliver Cromwell.
1、夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (Shelock Holmes)
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based \detective\whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.
2、约翰·华生医生 (Dr John Watson)
约翰·华生医生 (Dr John Watson)–小说的叙述人,华生是福尔摩斯挚友,也是私人侦探的记录人。他在本案中代替了福尔摩斯的一些行动,在福尔摩斯现身前尽力地尝试解决问题。 Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes's friend, assistant and sometime flatmate, and he is the first person narrator of all but four stories in the Sherlock Holmes canon.
3、雨果·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Hugo Baskerville)
雨果·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Hugo Baskerville) – 十七世纪的巴斯克维尔家族被传奇地诅咒了。雨果爵士骄奢淫逸、终日沈迷酒色,直到一日暴尸达特姆尔荒原,身旁站有一地狱般的恶犬。他的画像为福尔摩斯提供了线索,认出了杰克·斯泰普顿是巴斯克维尔的后人。 The seventeenth century Baskerville family was legendary.Sir Hugo was a man of extravagance and lust, until he died one day on Dartmoor, with a hellish dog by his side.His portrait provides Holmes with the clue that Jack Stapleton is a descendant of Baskerville.
4、查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Charles Bakerville)
查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Charles Bakerville) –最近去世的庄主,查尔斯爵士是的单身贵族,身体状况欠佳。案发现场的足迹显示出他正在逃离什么。不但如此,在尸体旁有大
The recently deceased owner, Sir Charles, was a single man and in poor health.Footprints from the crime scene showed what he was running away from.Not only that, there were large dog footprints next to the body.Sir Charles was a philanthropist, and his plans to develop the surrounding wilderness made Sir Henry want to follow in his uncle's footsteps.
5、亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Henry Baskerville)
亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Henry Baskerville)– 查尔斯的侄子,已知最近的亲戚。亨利·巴斯克维尔袭承了男爵头衔。他被描述为“瘦小、精明、眼睛黝黑的男人,约30岁左右,身体很好。”亨利经由医生介绍认识了福尔摩斯和华生,以保护他的人身安全,以免巴斯克维尔家族绝后。在故事的高潮,亨利被恶犬追逐,险些丧命。
Sir Henry Baskerville is the nephew of Charles, the nearest known relative.Henry Baskerville inherited the title of baron.He was described as a \good health.\the Baskerville family dies out.At the climax of the story, Henry is chased by vicious dogs and nearly dies.
6、杰克·斯台普斯 (Jack Stapleton)
杰克·斯台普斯 (Jack Stapleton)– 从外表上看,他是个绅士,但暴虐的性格却在关键时刻将他暴露。原来斯泰普顿其实是亨利的小堂弟,试图用阴谋、操控、犯罪的手段来继承遗产.
Jack Stapletonwas a gentleman, but his tyrannical character gave him away at a critical moment.It turns out that Stapleton is actually Henry's younger cousin, trying to use conspiracy, manipulation, criminal means to inherit the inheritance
7、詹姆斯·莫蒂默医生 (Dr James Mortimer)
詹姆斯·莫蒂默医生 (Dr James Mortimer)– 医生,巴斯克维尔的朋友。莫蒂默高大、消瘦、心地善良,行为古怪。不管怎样,他是个称职的乡村医生,忠诚地执行了查尔斯爵士的遗嘱。一系列事故使得莫蒂默意识到亨利爵士身处险境,便在故事的起初乘坐火车去伦敦寻求福尔摩斯的帮助。莫蒂默在整个故事中为案件的调查提供了协助。
Dr James Mortimer, friend of Baskerville.Mortimer was tall, thin, good-natured, and eccentric.At any rate, he was a good country doctor, and faithfully carried out Sir Charles' will.A series of accidents causes Mortimer to realize that Sir Henry is in danger, and at the beginning of the story he travels to London by train to seek Holmes's help.Mortimer assists the investigation