毕 业 设 计(论 文)
学生姓名: 张雨薇 指导教师: 刘磊 二级学院: 商学院 专 业: 会计学 班 级: M10会计2班 学 号: 1021122081 提交日期: 2014年 4月6日 答辩日期: 2014 年5月10 日
金陵科技学院学士学位论文 目录
目 录
目 录 ........................................................................................................... I 摘 要 .......................................................................................................... II Abstract .................................................................................................... III 1 引言 ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究的背景和意义 .......................................................................... 1 1.2 问题的提出 ...................................................................................... 1 1.3 研究对象概念界定 .......................................................................... 1 2融资结构的基本理论 ............................................................................. 3 2.1 权衡理论 .......................................................................................... 3 2.2 MM理论 ........................................................................................... 3 2.3 不对称信息理论 .............................................................................. 4 3 我国中小企业融资的现状及特点分析 ................................................ 5 3.1 直接融资现状 .................................................................................. 5 3.2 间接融资现状 .................................................................................. 6 3.3 不同类型、不同发展阶段中小企业融资结构特点比较 .............. 6 4 我国中小企业融资困境因素分析 ........................................................ 9 4.1 中小企业自身因素 .......................................................................... 9 4.2中小金融机构发展滞后 ................................................................... 9 4.3国家政策制度缺陷 ......................................................................... 10 4.4外部环境因素 ................................................................................. 10 5 优化我国中小企业融资结构的策略 .................................................. 11 5.1 加强中小企业自身建设 ................................................................ 11 5.2发展完善金融体系 ......................................................................... 11 5.3完善融资制度 ................................................................................. 11 5.4国家积极优化融资环境 ................................................................. 12 6 结论与展望........................................................................................... 13 参考文献 ................................................................................................... 14
金陵科技学院学士学位论文 摘要
摘 要
金陵科技学院学士学位论文 Abstract
Analysis of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure and its influencing factors
With the rapid economical development, medium-sized and small enterprises grow out of nothing and expand from small to large, Small and medium enterprises play an important part in the national economy and social development. Many small and medium enterprises in our country, distribute widespread trade. But, both in developed and developing countries, the development of medium-sized and small enterprises by financing constraints. The factors to the small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure and its influence analysis is mainly to According to the current economic situation is proposed in accordance with the actual situation of advice. In order to effectively alleviate the problem of financing small and medium enterprises. Because of the development of the capital market is not perfect, the direct financing predicament,due to the small and medium-sized enterprise dose not trust the limitations brought by financial institutions, lead to indirect financing of small and medium enterprises is not optimistic.Aiming at the problem in fincing, this article mainly analyses the factors of small and medium-sized enterprises are facing financing difficulties.There are factors of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as the lack of business credit. There are factors of small and medium-sized financial institutions, such as financial institutions development lag, small size etc.Defects in the factors of the national policies and systems, such as the legal system is not complete and there are limitations. External environmental factors, such as non transparent information, service system is not perfect etc.According to various reasons exist above, this paper also puts forward relevant solving measures. First, small and medium-sized enterprises to strengthen self construction, improve the overall quality of the small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, develop a sound financial system, strengthen financial system scale. Third, improve the financing system, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to create a line with the development of the legal system. Fourth, actively optimize financing environment, build a harmonious relationship between banks and enterprises.
Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprise; Financing structure; Financing strateg
金陵科技学院学士学位论文 第一章 引言
1 引言
1.1 研究的背景和意义
1.2 问题的提出
1.3 研究对象概念界定
1.3.1 中小企业的界定