1. Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? 请做一个自我简介。
Good morning,it’s my great honor to be here for your interview today. My name is××,and come from ××. I’m graduated from__many years ago. Now I’m working as the ×× in our company. Many years hard working made me a positive,responsible and dynamic person. I choose ××university as my ideal one is because her great fame and pleasant learning atmosphere. I want to be a member of MBA to have further education. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I hope to see you again and soon. Thank you.
2. Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in
China? 你为什么要参加MBA考试?你可以谈谈目前中国MBA项目的一些相关情况吗?
通过学习,提高自己解决问题的能力,为自己充电。目前中国的MBA项目的发展日趋成熟,认可度也在提高。I determined to improve the ability of solving problems and recharge my battery through MBA training courses. The development tendency of MBA program in China is increasingly mature and the recognition is also improving at present. 3. Why do you choose Central South University to study MBA? Tell me a little about Central South University form
your understanding.为什么选择中南读MBA?谈谈你对中南的感觉选择中南大学作为我理想的学校是因为她的久负盛名和轻松的学习氛围。I choose Central south university as my ideal one is because her great reputation and pleasant learning atmosphere.
4. If you failed this time what will you do in the near future? 如果这次考试未通过,以后你打算怎么办?I’ll try it
next year. I won’t give up!明年再考,我不会放弃的!
5. Why do you want to be a part of MBA students? 为什么想读MBA?
MBA可以让我学到很多管理知识。MBA give me the chance to learn more knowledge of management. 6. Do you have a career plan in 5 years? 在未来5年内,你有职业规划吗? 成为总经理To be a general manager.
7. Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student? 如果你被录取了,你会有学习计划吗? 有的,我会就一个适合我职业规划的方向做学习计划。Yes, I have. I will make a study plan, which is suit my career planning closely.
8. What’s your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience? MBA考试 要求必
须具备工作经验,你怎么看待这个要求的? I think the requirement is reasonable and essential. Working experience is helpful for us to communicate with people from different fields. And the study of MBA need some
basic knowledge of social practice.我认为是合理且必要的,工作经验有利于我们不同行业的同学交流,而且学习MBA需要一些社会实践的基本知识。
9. Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why? 你认为英语在MBA学习中重要吗?为什么? I think so. English is the most international of languages and MBA course is closely in line with international norms. 当然,英语是最国际化的语言,MBA课程也与国际接轨得非常密切。
10. Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why? 你认为MBA课程能让你在未来
Yes. I think MBA training courses will help me solve problems more easily and effectively. 是的。我认为MBA课程能帮助我更容易更有效地解决问题。
11. What do you want to do after your MBA study? 学完MBA后,你打算干什么? 学以致用/创业/选择更能施展我才能的工作/
Apply what you learn/ Start one’s own business/Choose the job which can display my ability.
12. What is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have? MBA学生应该具备的最重要的条件是
内在修养和品德They should have internal self—cultivation and good moral.
13. Say a little about the importance of teamwork in a company. 谈谈公司中团队合作的重要性。
现今社会,竞争复杂,单靠个人能力很难处理好各种问题,需要团队相互合作,来解决问题,创造奇迹。Nowadays, in our society, the competition is complicated. It is difficult to deal with all kinds of problems by oneself. So team spirits are needed to settle the problems and create miracles.
14. What do you think about management? 在你看来,管理是什么?
管理是计划、组织、领导、控制。Management needs careful planning、organizing、successful leading and timely controlling.
15. What will you do if you can’t find a job? 如果你找不到工作,你打算怎么办?
我会思考,总结问题出在哪儿I will think about it and find the problem why I can’t find a job smoothly.
16. What is your biggest accomplishment on the job? 你工作中最大的成就是什么?
我负责市场营销,使销售额有所提高/实现了自我价值。I am in charge of marketing in which I improve the sales and realize self-value.
17. Please tell me a little about your working history? What kind of fields? 请谈谈你的工作经历?你是从事什么行
18. Say a little about your educational background. 请谈谈你的教育背景。
我2002年毕业于湖南大学计算机学院。I graduated from the Computer & Science College in Hunan University.
19. What are your strengths and weakness? 你的优劣势是什么?I am a perfectionist. I will not give up until I
complete my job perfectly. This is my strength but also my weakness.
20. What do you do in your spare time? 业余时间你通常做什么?
我喜欢看电影。看电影可以让我放松。/运动,比如打球或游泳。I like watching movies, which makes me relax. In addition, I like sports, such as playing or swimming.
21. What is your impression of Central South University? 你对于中南大学的印象怎样?
综合实力强,在很多领域均拥有世界级的学科。CSU is a university with comprehensive strength, and has world—class subjects in many areas.
22. What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do? CFO是什么?如果你是CFO,你会怎么做?
CEO是最高管理人员,如果我是CEO,首先要强大自己,做好一个团队的领导人。CFO is chief financial officer. If I am a CFO, I will strengthen myself first to be an excellent leader of the team.
23. What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?你觉得哪种人最难相处?
有才无德,无才无德The people with knowledge but bad moral, and those with little knowledge and bad moral.
24. How do you handle rejection/refusal?被人拒绝了,你怎么办?
乐观,总结思考,找出问题所在You should be optimistic and then think about it to find the problem why you are refused.