?~?mo-? 第十四周·周一??考纲词汇背诵序目?ma-一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅
1.make vt.(made, made) 制造,做;使得
2.March n. 3.mark n.
4.market n. 5.master vt. 6.match n.
7.matter n.
8.means n. 9.meanwhile adv. 10.measure n.
11.medal n. 12.member n. 13.mend v. 14.memory n. 15.message n. 16.luck n. lucky adj. luckily adv. 17.major adj. majority n. 18.manage v. manager n. management n. 19.marriage n. married adj. marry v. 20.mean v.
三月 标记
标明(方位),做记号 市场,集市 精通,掌握 比赛 相配 事情,问题 重要 手段,方法
与此同时,在此期间 计量单位;措施 测量;衡量;判定 奖牌 成员,会员 修理,修补
记忆;记忆力;回忆 消息,音信 运气;幸运 幸运的;有好运的 幸运地
较大的;主要的;重要的 多数;大多数 管理;设法完成 经理;管理人 经营;管理 结婚,婚姻 已婚的 (使)成婚,结婚 意思,意味着,打算 小气的
meaning n. meaningful adj. meaningless adj.
二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 1.mention n.
2.merely adv. 3.metal n. 4.microscope n. 5.microwave n. 6.mid-autumn n. 7.millionaire n. 8.mine n.
vt. pron. 9.mineral n. 10.minibus n. 11.miniskirt n. 12.minimum adj. 13.minister n. 14.ministry n. 15.minority n. 16.minus prep.& adj. 17.mirror n. 18.missile n. 19.mist n. 20.monument n.
三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 1.major in English 2.make out make up make up for make sure 3.may as well (do)
意思,含义 有意义的 无意义的
提及;记载 提到;写到;说到 仅仅;只不过 金属 显微镜 微波炉 中秋 百万富翁 矿藏,矿山 开采(矿物) 我的 矿物质,矿物 小型公共汽车 超短裙 最小的 部长;牧师 部门
少数;少数民族 减去;负的 镜子 导弹 薄雾;水汽 纪念碑;历史遗迹
主修英语 弄懂;辨认出
构成,组成;编造;打扮 弥补 查明;确保 还是做……的好, 倒不如做……
4.by all means
by means of by no means
5.to make matters worse
尽一切办法;务必; (表示答应)当然可以 借助;依靠 决不;并没有 更糟糕的是
6.take effective measures/steps/action 采取措施 7.get married to 8.win a gold medal 9.in memory of 10.not to mention
1.Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are faced with serious environmental problems, which does great harm to people’s health.
2.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem:the government should take strong measures to deal with it.
3.Rubbish and waste water are being poured into the river; as a consequence, water resources have become badly polluted.
4.People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.
5.It is well-known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming.
众所周知,由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺问题正变得日益严重。 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空
1.She moved to London after the break-up of her marriage (婚姻).
2.The flight will be announced soon. Meanwhile (与此同时), please remain seated. 3.She was the first athlete to win the gold medal (奖牌) in the 29th Olympic Games.
4.I am the manager of the project, but I can’t manage all this work on my own. The everyday management is done by my assistant.(manage) 5.Now that you have such a good chance, you may_as_well_make_full_use_of (不妨充分利用) it.
与……结婚 获得金牌 纪念;怀念 更不用提
6.When you get back, our classmates and I are all willing to help you to make_up_for_the_missing_lessons (补习错过的功课) at the weekend.
It is high time for us to take_measures/steps/action_to_prevent the earth from getting warm. 2.如果我有幸当选, 我将尽最大努力为同学们和俱乐部的利益服务。
If_I_am_lucky_enough_to_be_elected,_I will make every effort to serve for the benefits of students and our club.
Mastering the technology makes_it_possible_for_us_to_use the Internet more effectively. ?~?na-? 第十四周·周三??考纲词汇背诵序目?me-
一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 1.method n. 2.middle n.& adj. 3.midnight n. 4.mild adj. 5.mile n. 6.milk n.
vt. 7.million num.
8.mind n. 9.minute n. 10.miss vt. 11.mobile adj. 12.model n. 13.modern adj. 14.modest adj. 15.moment n. 16.medical adj. medicine n.
17.meet n.& vt. (met, met) meeting n. 18.mental adj. mentally adv. 19.mess n. messy adj. 20.merciful adj. mercy n.
二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 1.mop n.& v. 2.moral adj.& n. 3.mosquito n. 4.motherland n.[C]
中间;当中;中级的 午夜
温和的,暖和的 英里 牛奶 挤奶 百万
百万个(人或物) 思想,想法
分钟;一会儿,时刻 失去,错过,怀念 活动的,可移动的 模型,原形;范例;模范 现代的 谦虚的;谦逊的 片刻,瞬间 医学的;医疗的 药物;医学;医术 遇见,见到;会;集会 会;集会;会见;汇合点 精神的;智力的 精神上;智力上 杂乱;不整洁 不整洁的 仁慈的;宽大的 仁慈;宽恕
道德的;寓意;道德 蚊子 祖国
高考英语一轮 素养积累(讲义):第14周