【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2009(035)019
【摘要】[Objective] The aim was to provide the basis for forecasting processing quality of hybrid wheat and combining parents in high quality wheat breeding process.[Method] With grains of female parent Jinmai 47, male parent Fengyou 1 and F2 of hybrid wheat as the materials, the isolation and expression of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) in grains were analyzed by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis.[Result] 21 kinds of band phenotypes of HMW-GS appeared in F2 grains.Among which band phenotypes that regressed to female parent (N, 7+9, 3+12) was 69.10%, and that regressed to male parent (1、17+18、5+10) was 1.04%, the remained 29.86% band phenotypes were hybrid band phenotypes and deletion band phenotypes..HMW-GS isolated in F2 grains according to a certain inheritance, Glu-Dlb and Glu-Dld was recombined (recombination rate of 5.90%), 17+18 and 7+9 subunits expressed at Glu-B1 site at the same time, while there were no expression of Glu-Blc at this site (vacancy rate of 5.20%).[Conclusion] This study determined the law of expression and isolation of HMW-GS in F2 grain of wheat.%[目的]为杂种小麦加工品质预测和优质小麦亲本组配提供依据.[方法]以杂交小麦母本晋麦47和父本丰优1
【总页数】2页(8918-8919) 【关键词】小麦;F2;HMW-GS;带型 【作者】张丽;张建刚;潘登奎
【作者单位】山西农业大学文理学院,山西太谷,030801;山西农业大学文理学院,山西太谷,030801;山西农业大学文理学院,山西太谷,030801 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】S512.1 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-anhui-agricultural-sciences_thesis/020122150811.html 【相关文献】
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2.黄淮麦区小麦品种F2籽粒中HMW-GS的遗传表现 [J], 张丽; 张建刚; 潘登奎
3.小麦F2籽粒中HMW-GS的分离规律研究 [J], 刘建东; 潘登奎; 贾俊仙 4.不同基因型小麦F2代籽粒中HMW-GS分离规律研究 [J], 李红霞; 魏亦勤; 张双喜; 刘旺清; 裘敏; 樊明
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