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社会保障 Social Security 社会保险 Social In sura nee



2.医疗 参保 participati on in social in sura nee scheme 参保人 the insured

个人缴费比例 ratio of in dividual co ntributio n 个人账户 in dividual acco unt

个人账户储存额 deposit amount of in dividual acco unts 个人账户基金 fund for in dividual acco unts

个人账户基金结余 surplus in fund for in dividual acco unts

个人账户计息利率 in terest rate for calculati on of in terest of in dividual acco unts 社会保险机构 Social security in stitution 社会保险业务经办 Social In sura nee Operati on 在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险 Social welfare in sura nee,

particularly old-age, un employme nt and medical in sura nee, must be made man datory

in urba n areas.

养老保险 retireme nt in sura nee

养老保险制度 the old-age insurance system 基本养老金 basic pensions

农村养老保险 Old-age In sura nee in Rural Area 法定退休年龄 statutory retireme nt age 个人储蓄性养老保险

old-age in sura nee by personal savi ngs

个人账户养老金 in dividual old-age in sura nee acco unt 规定领取年龄 prescribed age of ben efits en titleme nt 补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金

All back pen sion en titleme nts have

bee n paid for the retired covered by the overall gover nment pla n. 工资总额 total pay-roll

确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放 to

en sure that subsiste nee allowa nces for laid-off workers from state-ow ned en terprises

and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full

医疗保险制度 the medical in sura nee system 医疗保险 medical in sura nee 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度

basic medical in sura nee system for urba n employees

大病统筹 social pooli ng for catastrophic disease

大额医疗费用补助 subsidy for big amount of medical expe nditure 定点药店 desig nated pharmacy

定点医疗机构 desig nated medical in stituti on 定额控制 quota con trol

非营利性医疗机构 non-profit medical institutions

多层次医疗保障体系 multi-level medical security system 公费医疗 free medical service

学冋是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹



国家基本医疗保险药品目录 state medici ne catalogue for basic medical in sura nee the 城镇职工基本医疗保险制度 basic medical in sura nee system for urba n employees


失业保险 un employme nt in sura nee

失业保险制度 the un employme nt in sura nee system 失业保险金 Un employme nt in sura nee ben efits 失业率 rate of unemployment

城镇登记失业率 urba n registered un employme nt rate 城镇失业率 urban unemployment rate 非本人意愿中断就业 待业人员 job seekers

完善失业保险制度 to improve the un employme nt in sura nee system

employme nt term in ati on aga inst one

' s own wills

非正规就业 non-standard employment


工伤 work-related injury

工伤保险 work-related injury in sura nee

工伤保险制度 the on -job injury in sura nee system 工伤保险待遇 ben efits for work-related injury in sura nee 工伤保险基金 fund for work-related injury in sura nee

《工伤保险条例》 Regulati on on Work-related Injury In sura nee 工伤补偿 work-related injury compe nsati on 工伤认定 work-related injury eertifieation

工伤医疗 medical treatme nt of work-related injury


生育保险制度 the childbirth in sura nee system


补充保险 suppleme ntary in sura nee

补充养老保险 suppleme ntary old-age in sura nee 补充医疗保险 suppleme ntary medical in sura nee

社会救助 Social Assista nee 补助金subsidy

国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度 for

basic livi ng sta ndard guara ntee system

laid-off workers of state-ow ned en terprises

关心和支持残疾人事业 Programs to help the physically and men tally challe nged deserve our care and support. 弱势群体 disadvantaged groups

学冋是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹

阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 培根



scheme of guara ntee ing minimum livi ng sta ndards

for urba n reside nts/guara ntee of subsiste nee allowa nces for urba n reside nts/the minimum livi ng sta ndard security system 贫困线 the poverty line 救助站 social relief station


公积金 public accumulation fund

安居工程 hous ing project for low-i ncome families

3 就业

残疾人就业保障金 employme nt security fund for the disabled 充分就业 full employme nt 促进就业 employme nt promoti on 定向培训 desig nated training 工会 trade union

工会组织 trade union orga ni zati on 公共就业服务 public employme nt service

保障妇女就业权力 guara ntee wome n'right to employme nt 合理调整就业结构 to rati on ally readjust the employme nt structure 建立市场导向的就业机制

to establish a market-orie nted employme nt mecha nism

建立新型的劳动关系 to establish a new type of labor relatio ns 扩大就业和再就业 to expa nd employme nt and reemployme nt 实施积极促进就业的政策 employme nt

实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式 to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employme nt

提高劳动者素质 to enhance workers ' quality

统筹兼顾城乡就业 to make overall pla ns for urba n and rural system 推动就业服务向社区延伸, 形成多层次的就业服务网络

to en courage the formation of

com muni ty-r un age ncies as a part of the multi-level employme nt service n etwork 完善和落实再就业优惠政策 to improve and impleme nt prefere ntial reemployme nt 优化就业结构 to optimize employment structure

to impleme nt the policy of vigorously in creas ing

职业培训 Vocational Training


灾害救助制度 the natural disaster relief system 社会福利 Social Welfare

学冋是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹

阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。 培根

优抚安置 Special treatment and placement 社保基金

保值增值 maintenance and appreciatio n of values 咅 B分积累模式 partial accumulatio n model 财政补贴 financial subsidy 财政投入 finan cial in put

待遇给付 payme nt of ben efit 当期结余 curre nt surplus 地方财政补贴 local financial subsidy 费率调整 adjustme nt of con tributi on rate 费用结算 settli ng acco un ti ng of fees 费用审核 expe nse audit 风险准备金 reserve fund of risk 付费方式 method of payme nt 给付利率 in terest rate of payme nt 国家债券 state bond 国有股减持 state stock reduct ion 社会保险基金管理 Social In sura nee Fund Man ageme nt 社会保障基金监管 Social Security Fu nd Supervision


按劳分酉己 distribution according to work 保障水平 level of security

城乡二元结构 dual econo mic structure of urba n and rural areas 恩格尔系数 En gel Coefficie nt 覆盖率 coverage rate

雇佣关系 employme nt relati on ship

管理信息系统 man ageme nt in formati on system 国有企业改革 reform of state-ow ned en terprises

加强舆论监督 ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opi nion

人口老龄化 agi ng of populati on 人口增长与社会经济发展相协调 econo mic developme nt

人民生活水平 quality of life; the livi ng sta ndards 预期寿命 life expecta ncy

政府主导计戈 U gover nmen t-sp on sored programs 剩余劳动力 surplus labor 贫困陷阱poverty trap

try to keep population growth in line with social and

学冋是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。 阿卜日法拉兹



