工程大学机电学院 课程设计说明书
. . 课程设计名称:课程设计题目:基于单片机的四路抢答器的设计指 导 教 师:专 业 班 级:电气学 生 姓 名:学 号:起 止 日 期:总 评 成 绩:.
王国义 2124 班 武云 312107040432 2014/7/7—7/18
设计目的:设计一个基于单片机的四路抢答器包含计时和锁存功能 设计要求:
(1)抢答器同时供4名选手或4个代表队比赛,分别用4个按钮① ~ ④表示。 (2)设置一个系统清除S1和抢答控制开关S2,该开关由主持人控制。 (3)抢答器具有锁存与显示功能。即选手按动按钮,锁存相应的编号,并在1602液晶屏上显示,同时蜂鸣器发出报警声响提示。选手抢答实行优先锁存,优先抢答选手的编号一直保持到主持人将系统清除为止。
年 月 日
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前 言
随着我国经济和文化事业的发展,在很多公开竞争场合要求有公正的竞争裁决,诸如证券、股票交易及各种智力竞赛等,因此出现了抢答器。抢答器一般是由很多电路组成的,线路复杂,可靠性不高,功能也比较简单,特别是当抢答路数很多时,实现起来就更为困难。因此我们设计了以单片机为核心的新型智能的抢答器,在保留了原始抢答器的基本功能的同时又增加一系列的实用功能。并简化其电路结构。控制系统的三个模块为:显示模块、存储模块、抢答开关模块。该系统通过开关电路四个按键输入抢答信号,利用1602液晶屏来完成显示功能,用按键来让选手进行抢答,在液晶屏上显示抢答最快的及时间,从而实现整个抢答过程。本文主要介绍了单片机抢答器设计及工作原理,以及它的实际用途。系统工作原理本系统采用AT89C51单片机作为核心。工作时,用按键通过开关电路输入各路的抢答信号,经单片机的处理, 输出控制信号,单片机控制的智能抢答器设计。
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摘 要
关键字: 液晶屏, AT89C51 ,按键
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Four Way Responder Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Responder can contest, sports and entertainment activities (Responder activities), and accurate, impartial and visually determine the answer winner. Answer by those lights, LCD display and sound display means indicates that the first answer those. General Responder by the microcontroller and peripheral circuits, divided into four differences, such as different eight, four, and eight is the answer in the back of the interface has several groups, and the shape does not matter.
The design is based on four basic concepts answer. Use AT89C51 microcontroller and peripheral interface Responder system, using single-chip timer / counter timing and counting principle, the software and hardware organically combined, allows the system to be timed correctly, and be able to display the time correctly. Switch to do with the keyboard output, speaker occur tips. And the system can be achieved: In answer, the only answer is only valid after the start, if the answer before the start, is invalid; the correct key voice prompts; Responder time countdown display, the timer stops automatically when the system is full and the master forced reset; keys locked in the active state, the key is invalid.
Keywords: LCD display, AT89C51,Button
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