DDGS 中粗蛋白含量测定的不确定度评定
【期刊名称】《上海农业学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】依据 GB/T 6432—1994对 DDGS 中粗蛋白的含量进行了测定,依据 JJF 1135—2005建立数学模型,分析不确定度的来源,进行不确定度评定。结果表明:A 类不确定度对不确定度贡献达到87.7%,B 类不确定度只占12.3%,应提高样品均匀度和增加测定次数以降低 A 类不确定度。%The crude protein content of DDGS was determined according to the GB/T 6432—1994 and a mathematical model was established on the basis of the JJF 1135—2005 so as to analyze and evaluate sources of the uncertainty in determination.The results showed that Type A uncertainty reached 87.7% of the uncertainty and Type B uncertainty was only 12.3%,and therefore the evenness of specimems should be improved and the number of determination times should be increased to reduce Type A uncertainty. 【总页数】5页(87-91)
【关键词】不确定度;DDGS;粗蛋白 【作者】雷萍;赵晓燕
【作者单位】上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,上海 201403;上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,上海 201403 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】
DDGS 中粗蛋白含量测定的不确定度评定