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人教版七年级下册英语Unit 4词汇运用专项练习(包含答案)

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Unit 4


1. I wore my s________ shoes for gym class yesterday. 2. Go to w________ your hands for gym class.

3. Four days l ________, Tom gets much better and goes back to school. 4. Stop talking l ________, kids.

5. His room is too small. Let’s go o________.

6. Daniel has to p________playing the guitar every evening. 7. I wore my s________shoes for the gym class yesterday. 8. Don’t l________to music in class.

9. There are too many r________in our school.

10. It’s very cold o________. Please put on more clothes. 11. Don’t eat in the library.It’s a r________.

12. L________ to your teacher carefully in class. 13. The girl always w_______ a hat in summer.

14. In the afternoon, I get home at four thirty and my parents a_______ home at five. 15. Our teacher asks us not to run in the dinning h________. 16. I’m s________I can’t give you any help at the moment. 17. We can’t f________with each other at school. 18. Mary is o_______ the house with her dog Tim.

19. We h________to eat lunch in the dining hall. It’s a rule.

20. We can eat in the dining hall, but we c________eat in the classroom. 21. --I’m sorry, Mr.Clark. My math homework is at home. --Then b______ it to school tomorrow.

22. Be q_____. Your baby sister is sleeping now.

23. It’s very i________ to learn English well because it's useful in our life. 24. As students, we have to wear school u________ on school days.

25. It’s i________ to have breakfast in the morning, or you can’t do well in school. 26. Wash your hands b______ eating.

27. Dad cooks dinner and Mom does the d________after dinner.

28. When my parents aren’t at home, I eat o________because I can’t cook. 29. If you want to play basketball well, you must p_______ it every day. 答案: 1. sports 6. practice 11. rule 16. sorry

2. wash 7. sports 12. Listen 17. fight

3. later 8. listen 13. wears

4. loudly 9. rules 14. arrive 19. have

5. outside 10. outside 15. hall 20. can’t

18. outside

21. bring 22. quiet 27. dishes

23. important 28. out

24. uniforms 29. practice

25. important

26. before


1. Look! He is ________ (fight) with classmates. 2. Can’t you see it says, “No ________ (swim)”? 3. At home, she ________ (not have) to wear a uniform. 4. Arriving late for school ________ (make) the teacher angry. 5. Do you mind ________ (wash) hands here?

6. “Please be quiet. No________(talk)!” says our biology teacher.

7. Please remember________(bring) your photos here when you come back. 8. Can you help me________(make) dumplings? 9. You must________(be) more careful next time.

10. The boss (老板) always keeps these workers________(work) over 10 hours a day. 11. ________(not be) late for class.

12. He________(have) to read English every morning. 13. _______ he _______ (have) to wear sports shoes today? 14. Tony _______ (not have) to come to school every day. 15. Please________(be) quiet in the library.

16. What about _________(take) a walk?

17. ___________(not arrive) late for class. 18. He can’t _________(stand) the idea now. 19. ________(not read) in the sun.

20. ________(not play) on the road. It’s dangerous

21. Our teacher often tells us not to run in the________(走廊). 22. She often l_________ to the beautiful song.

23. It is sunny, so we can eat o________ tonight(今晚). 24. Sam will arrive _______ (in/at) Beijing by train.

25. Don’t come _________ (early/late) for school.You have to arrive on time. 26. Don’t eat ______ (and/or) drink before you go to see the doctor.

27. You _______ (can/can’t) eat in class.But you can eat in the dining hall.

28. You don’t have to __________ (wear/in) your school uniform at school every day. 29. We must arrive at school ______(in/on) time. 30. --Are you always late _____(for/at) class? --No, never.

31. __________ (not talk) loudly.It's time for class.

32. Mike, you must _______(be) quick, or you will be late for school. 33. ________ (finish) your homework first before you watch TV. 34. What are the _________ (rule) of your school?

35. Don’t fight with your classmates.That makes your teachers _________ (happy).

36. You have to be _______(quiet) in the library.

37. Li Lin always comes to school ________(one). He is never late. 38. I listen to music with my music _________ (play).

39. ___________ (not fight) with your classmates at school. 40. Everyone has to know some of the __________(rule).

41. _______(eat) in the dining hall and _______ (listen) to music in the music room. 42. Is this your _________ (one) day at school?

43. I'm afraid we have to _________ (wait) for a few days. 44. --I can play the piano well now. --________ (real)? That's great!

45. I don’t like cats because they are _________(noise). 46. She wants to learn ________ (swim) this summer. 47. Too many________(rule) make me feel terrible. 48. Please _______(follow) the rules at school. 49. Good _______(luck) to you. 50. ________(not read) in the sun.

51. He often helps his mother do the _________(dish) at home. 52. Parents and schools make rules _________(help) us.

53. He usually________(relax) and sleeps nine hours every day. 答案: 1. fighting 6. talking

2. swimming 3. doesn’t have 7. to bring

8. (to) make

4. makes 5. washing 9. be

10. working

11.Don’t be 12.has 16. taking

13.Does have

14.doesn’t have 15.be 19. Don’t read 20. Don’t play 24. in 29. on 34. rules

25. late 30. for

17. Don’t arrive 18. Stand

23. Outside 28. wear 33. Finish 38. player 43. wait 47. rules 51. dishes

21. Hallways 22. Listens 26. or

27. can’t 32. be 37. first 42. first

31. Don’t talk 36. quiet

35. unhappy

39. Don’t fight 40. rules 44. Really 45. noisy 48. follow 49. luck 52. to help 53. relaxes

41. Eat, listen

46. to swim/swimming 50. Don’t read

人教版七年级下册英语Unit 4词汇运用专项练习(包含答案)


