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1.1 A Closer Look at the Processor and Primary



We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform

essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.


The internal operation of a computer is interesting, but there really is no mystery to it. The mystery is in the minds of those who listen to hearsay and believe science-fiction writer. The computer is a nonthinking electronic device that has to be plugged into an electrical power source, just like a toaster or a lamp.


Literally hundreds of different types of computers are marketed by scores of manufacturers [1]. The complexity of each type may vary considerably, but in the end each processor, sometimes called the central processing unit or CPU, has only two fundamental sections: the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit. Primary storage also plays an integral part in the internal operation of a processor. These three — primary storage, the control unit, and the arithmetic and logic unit — work together. Let’s look at their functions and the relationships between them.



Unlike magnetic secondary storage devices, such as tape and disk, primary storage has no moving parts. With no mechanical movement, data can be accessed from primary storage at electronic speeds, or close to the speed of light. Most of today’s computers use DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory) technology for primary storage. A state-of-the-art DRAM chip about one eighth the size of a postage stamp can store about 256,000,000 bits, or over 25,600,000 characters of data!


Primary storage, or main memory, provides the processor with temporary storage for programs and data. All programs and data must be transferred to primary storage from an input device (such as a VDT) or from secondary storage (such as a disk) before programs can be executed or data can be processed. Primary storage space is always at a premium; therefore, after a program has been executed, the storage space it occupied is reallocated to another program awaiting execution.


Figure 1-1 illustrates how all input/output (I/O) is “read to” or “written from” primary storage. In the figure, an inquiry (input) is made on a VDT. The inquiry, in the form of a message, is routed to primary storage over a channel (such as a coaxial cable). The message is interpreted, and the processor initiates action to retrieve the appropriate program and data from secondary storage [3].The program and data are “loaded”, or moves, to primary storage from secondary storage. This is a nondestructive read process. That is, the program and data that are read reside in both primary storage (temporarily) and secondary storage (permanently). The data are manipulated according to program instructions, and a report is written from primary storage to a printer.

图 1-1描述了输入/输出设备与主存储器间的读和写过程。在图中,VDT发出一个输入请求,请求是以消息模式通过通道(如同轴电缆)发送到主存储器。这个查询被解释,处理器发起操作从辅助存储器中调用合适的程序和数据。程序和数据从辅助存储器传送到主存储器中,这是一个非破坏性的读取过程,也就是说,程序和数据同时存在于主存(临时保存)和辅助存储器(永久保存)中。根据程序指令的指示,处理器对数据进行操作,并从主存传送一份报告到打印机。


A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an address. Addresses permit program instructions and data to be located, accessed, and processed. The content of each address is constantly changing as different programs are executed and new data are processed.


Another name for primary storage is random-access memory, or RAM. A special type of primary storage, called read-only memory (ROM), cannot be altered by the programmer. The contents of ROM are “hard-wired” (designed into the logic of the memory chip) by the manufacturer and can be “read only”. When you turn on a microcomputer system, a program in ROM automatically readies the computer system for use. Then the ROM program produces the initial display screen prompt.


A variation of ROM is programmable read-only memory (PROM). PROM is ROM into which you, the user, can load “read-only” programs and data. Once a program is loaded to PROM, it is seldom, if ever, changed [4]. However, if you need to be able to revise the contents of PROM, there is EPROM, erasable PROM. Before a write operation, all the storage cells must be erased to the same initial state.

可编程只读存储器(PROM)是另一种ROM,它可以载入只读的程序和数据,一旦载入,将不再改变。然而,若果你需要去修正PROM的内容,可以使用可擦可编程只读存储器。 EPROM在进行一次写操作之前,所有的存储单元必须被还原为同一初始状态。

A more attractive form of read-mostly memory is electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). It can be written into at any time without erasing prior contents; only the byte or bytes addressed are updated.

一种更吸引人的可改写只读存储器是电可擦除可编程只读存储器 (EEPROM)。它可以在任何时候写入,而且不会擦除以前的内容;只会更新被寻址的字节。

The EEPROM combines the advantage of nonvolatility with the flexibility of being updatable in place [6], using ordinary bus control, address, and data lines.



Another form of semiconductor memory is flash memory (so named because of the speed). Flash memory is intermediate between EPROM and EEPROM in both cost and functionality. Like EEPROM, flash memory uses an electrical erasing technology. An entire flash memory can be erased in one or a few seconds, which is much faster than EPROM. In addition, it is possible to erase just blocks of memory rather than an entire chip. However, flash memory does not provide byte-level erasure [7]. Like EPROM, flash memory uses only one transistor per bit, and so achieves the high density of EPROM.


Cache Memory

Program and data are loaded to RAM from secondary storage because the time required to access a program instruction or piece of data from RAM is significantly less than from secondary storage. Thousands of instructions or pieces of data can be accessed from RAM in the time it would take to access a single piece of data from disk storage [8]. RAM is essentially a high-speed holding area for data and programs. In fact, nothing really happens in a computer system until the program instructions and data are moved to the processor. This transfer of instructions and data to the processor can be time-consuming, even at microsecond speeds. To facilitate an even faster transfer of instructions and data to the processor, most computers are designed with cache memory. Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase the computer system throughput (the rate at which work is performed).


Like RAM, cache is a high-speed holding area for program instructions and data. However, cache memory uses SRAM (Static RAM) technology that is about 10 times faster than RAM and about 100 times more expensive. With only a fraction of the capacity


of RAM, cache memory holds only those instructions and data that are likely to be needed next by the processor. Two types of cache memory appear widely in computers. The first is referred to as internal cache and is built into the CPU chip. The second, external cache, is located on chips placed close to the CPU chip. A computer can have several different levels of cache memory. Level 1 cache is virtually always built into the chip. Level 2 cache used to be external cache but is now typically also built into the CPU like level 1 cache.


3.2 C++和面向对象的程序设计

一些面向对象的程序设计概念在语言间渗透。例如微软Quick Pascal是允许使用对象的第一批语言中的一个。C++有什么使得它是一种适合于开发面向对象程序的语言?如同先前所提到的,答案是类(class)数据类型。给该语言建立对象之能力的是建立在C结构类型之上的C++类(class)类型。还有,C++把另外几个特性引入面向对象的程序设计,这些特性并不包含在简单地利用对象的其他一些语言中。C++的优点包括强类型、运算符重载和较少地强调预处理。的确你能使用其他一些产品和采用其他一些语言来进行面向对象的程序设计,但是采用C++的众多好处是显著的。这是为面向对象的程序设计而设计的语言,并非(现有语言的)式样翻新。




在你更详细地考察这些术语之前,一个好的主意是熟悉与C++和面向对象程序设计相关的另外几个概念,如同下面几节所述的。 封装


数据域 方法

数据 成员函数



