【期刊名称】《中国医药指南》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)036
【摘要】 目的建立以高效液相色谱法测定脉安颗粒中金丝桃苷含量的方法.方法色谱柱为 Kromasil C18柱,流动相为甲醇-0.2%磷酸溶液(37∶66),流速为1mL/min,检测波长为363nm.结果金丝桃苷浓度在2.008~20.06μg/mL 范围内的线性关系良好(r=0.9999),平均回收率为98.0%(RSD=1.23%).结论方法准确率高,重现性好,为本品的质量控制提供了可靠的方法.% Objective To establish a method for determining Hyperin in Mai’an Granules by HPLC. Methods Kromasil C18 chromatographic column with Methanol to 0.2% H3PO4 Water (37:66) as mobile phase. Current Velocity is at 1mL/min. WL was at 363nm for detection. Results The calibration curve was in good linear relation of Hyperin concentration over the range of 2.008~20.06μg/mL (r=0.9999). The average recovery was 98.0% (RSD=1.23%). Conclusion The method appears to be high in accuracy rate and with good in reproducibility. It offers a reliable method for controlling the quality of Mai’an Granules. 【总页数】3页(420-422)
【关键词】高效液相色谱法;脉安颗粒;金丝桃苷;含量测定 【作者】周春华;白冰;马莉;展月;张颖
【作者单位】吉林修正药业集团新药开发有限公司,吉林 长春 130012;吉林修正