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Unit 1 I've got many new friends..

词汇 句型 语法点 自然拼读 ? Chinese, English, American, friend, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden ? I’ve got many new friends. (二级) ? I like to play with toys. (二级) ? Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. (二级) ? My Chinese name is …(二级) ? My English name is…(二级) ? have got(二级) ? has got(二级) ? like to do(二级) ? like doing(一级) a, e, o Unit 2 Is this book yours?

词汇 句型 语法点 自然拼读 ? mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs(名词性物主代词) bat, fan, tank, bank, hand (一词多义) ? Is this your book? Yes, it’s mine. /No, it’s not mine. ? This book is not yours. (二级) ? Maybe you can ask Bob. (二级) ? His beard is short, but his is long.(二级) 形容词性物主代词 a Unit 3 Our school is beautiful.

? round, square, quiet, thirsty, hungry, tired, beautiful, different, famous, thin (形容词,二级) sports centre, dining room, classroom, swimming pool, library, café, shop, bank, garden ? Where do you often play sports? (一级) I often play sports on the… ? We’ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. ? Where is Mr. White? ? This is the place where children can buy things. ? 一般现在时(一级主要时态) ? Where引导的特殊疑问句 词汇 句型 语法点 Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question?

词汇 句型 语法点 ? question, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, try, enjoy, sandwich, sure, mean ? straight---curly; plus---minus (反义词) comic, film, video, jungle, address, balcony, town ? May I sit here? (二级) ? May I come in? (二级) ? Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? (一级) ? Shall I help you make sandwiches? (二级) ? 情态动词can/may/shall的用法。 Unit 5 How about coming with us?

词汇 句型 语法点 ? opposite, by, in, near, next to (介词) ? market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming, pool, library, playground, waterfall, forest, village, road, beach, street, mountain, island, lake ? Where are you going? (一级) ? How about coming with us?(二级) ? I’d like/love to. But I’m going to…(二级) ? How about going to Taishan Mountain? (二级) Sorry. I’d like to see Kangaroos. (二级) ? Opposite the market. (二级) ? By the river. (二级) ? In the park. (二级) ? Would you like to come with us? ? Which place would you like to go? ? be going to 将要做某事 ? which 引导的特殊疑问句 ? where 引导的特殊疑问句 ? how about 引导的特殊疑问句 Unit 6 He likes reading picture books.

? picture book, cookery book, comic book, story book, music book, games book, animal book, toy book, sports book ? reading a newspaper, cleaning the floor, doing maths, playing the piano, riding a horse, get up, eating fruit, watching TV, eating an ice cream, reading books, washing up, drawing a picture, singing and dancing, cooking, going shopping, drinking tea, skating, running, roller skating, bouncing balls, taking pictures, playing games 词汇 ? I like to read picture books. (二级) ? I like playing football. (一级) ? He likes reading picture books. (一级) ? He likes drawing. (一级)

句型 语法点 ? What does he like doing best? (一级) ? It’s time to get up. (二级) ? Come and play with us. (二级) ? What kind of books do you like to read? (二级) ? like doing… ? 现在进行时的问句及答语 ? whose 引导的特殊疑问句 ? 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词加“s” Unit 7 You mustn't drop litter in the park!

? drop litter, shout, pick, ride, bounce, jump, kick, climb, cover, try, run, eat, wash, sleep, draw, paint, play, talk, fish, ? in the park, in the library, in the classroom, at home ? There are two cats sleeping in the big shoe. (一级) ? There are not any people here.(一级) ? You mustn’t drop litter in the park!(二级) ? There is a swimming pool in the park. (一级) ? There is a parrot standing on a book. (一级) ? There be句型 ? 情态动词must的否定形式mustn’t. 词汇 句型 语法点 Unit 8 Who is the winner?

词汇 句型 语法 ? 一词多义: fly, match, ring, room, stick ? 形容词: naughty,odd, even, opposite, different, boring, ? 名词: winner, problem, turn, start, meaning, stick, coffee, pot, sock, fun ? OK. I’ll do the odd numbers. You’ll do the even numbers. (二级) ? That’s not a problem. (二级) ? Whose turn is it? (二级) It’s your turn. (二级) ? What have you got in your bag? (二级) ? Which school do you like to go to? How many… are there in your room/classroom?(一级) ? 奇数概念的引入 偶数概念的引入 ? Which引导的特殊疑问句 ? How many… are there?句型

Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben.

词汇 l shorter, longer, smaller, bigger, older, younger, thinner, fatter, stronger, weaker, slower, quicker, happier, quieter,kilometers, hundred, thousand

l Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, Bill, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim l Fred is taller than Jim.(二级)

l This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. (二级) l as tall as a tree(二级) 句型

l 形容词的比较级; l as…as…的用法; l 数字的读法 语法点 自然拼读 er Unit 10 Did you know?

词汇l the shortest, the strongest, the tallest, the weakest, the youngest, the happiest,the biggest, the cleanest, the fastest, the highest, the longest, the loudest, the quickest, , the slowest, the smallest 句型l The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. (二级) l How tall are you? (二级)

l I am one hundred and forty-nine centimeters tall. (二级) l Which animal is the biggest of the three? (二级)

l In Picture A, there are two trees, but in Picture B, there are four trees. (二级考级题型) 语法点 形容词的最高级 自然拼读 -est

Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday.

词汇 l climbed a little hill, played with some kangaroos, painted a mask, fished in the pond, bought a big ice cream, took many photos, saw a movie, spoke to a parrot, saw a big shark, gave a banana to a monkey, rode a horse 句型l Where did you go yesterday? (二级) I went to the zoo. (二级) l Did you see a lot of animals? Yes, I did. \\No, I didn’t. (二级) l What did Nancy do at the zoo? (二级) 语法点 l 一般过去时 l -ed 自拼 Unit 12

词汇mail, eaten English food, sung an English song, been to the Great Wall, ridden a horse, bought a bike 句型 l Has your school got a swimming pool? Yes, it has. \\No, it has not. (二级) l How many birthdays have you had? I’ve had nine. (二级)

l Have you ever been to Beijing Zoo to see a kangaroo? Yes, I have.\\No, I haven’t. (二级) 语法点 l 现在完成时 Unit 13 My seven days

词汇 l Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, working days, weekend l between, behind, under, in front of, before, after, at, in, on, next to 句型 l It’s the day between Sunday and Tuesday. (二级) l Which one would you like to go to? I’d like to go to the cinema. (一级) l At what time are you free? I’m free at 9:00. (二级)

l It is the first day of the week. (二级)



