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人教新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习测试 必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal

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Unit 3 Travel journal


1.(2011年中卫基础测试)Being able to speak another language fluently is a great________when you’re looking for a job.

A.chance B.success C.effort


解析:选D。句意:当你找工作时,能说一口流利的外语是一个优势。chance 机会,可能性,意外;success 成功;effort 努力;advantage 优势,优点,有利条件。

2.(2011年河北唐山一中检测)As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake,many people had to be________in a stadium.

A.put away C.put up

B.put out D.put off

解析:选C。句意:由于地震后大部分房屋被毁,许多人不得不住在体育馆。put up 供给……住宿,举起,推举,提供,建造,如:We can put all of you up for the night.我们可以安排你们所有人过夜。put away 把……收好;put out 扑灭,put off 拖延,推迟。

3.(2010 年长春模拟)If you stand here,you’ll get a better________of the river. A.sight C.scene

B.view D.scenery

解析:选B。view 指从某个位置或角度看到的景色;sight 眼前看到的景观;scene 场景;布景,多数包括景物中的人及活动在内;scenery某地总的自然风光或景色。

4.In Copenhagen Climate Conference,rich countries promised to________a fund of $ 100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing countries.

A.make up C.set up

B.put up D.send up

解析:选C。句意:哥本哈根气候会议上,富裕国家许诺到2020年每年设立1000亿美元的基金以帮助发展中国家。set up 建立,设立;make up 编造;put up 搭建;send up 发射。

5.Despite such a big difference in________towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.





解析:选C。point “点,意义”;idea“主意,念头”; attitude “态度,看法”;sight“视力”。句意:尽管一个人的饮食的态度有着很大的不同,但是毫无疑问西方人把中国的饮食看作是某种特殊的东西。

6.To write a good article you must first________your ideas very carefully. A.organize C.report

B.settle D.speak

解析:选A。organize 组织。句意:要想写出好文章,首先得认真组织一下自己的想法。settle 解决,定居;report 报告;speak 说出。

7.She was so________that she wouldn’t give in until she received a full apology.


B.lucky D.proper


解析:选C。由后半句 until 引导的时间状语从句可知她是一个很顽固的人。stubborn 顽固的,固执的;simple 简单的;lucky 幸运的;proper 恰当的,正确的。

8.—I’m still working on my project.

—Oh,you’ll miss the deadline.Time is________. A.running out C.giving out

B.going out

D.losing out

解析:选A。句意:——我仍然在做这个项目。——啊!你肯定不能如期完成了,因为快没时间了。当表示时间用完、耗尽的时候多用 run out;give out 分发,精疲力竭。

9.(2011年山东济南检测)Don’t let yourself be ________ into buying things you don’t want.

A.expressed C.persuaded

B.organized D.preferred

解析:选C。考查动词词义辨析。persuade sb.into doing sth.=persuade sb.to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”。此处为其被动语态形式。express表达;organize组织;成立;prefer更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物),均不符合句意。

10.Nowadays in India,women with independent incomes are refusing to __________

to the traditional practice of arranged marriage.

A.give in C.hand in

B.pick up D.make up

解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。语意表示拒绝屈服于传统的包办婚姻,用give in表示“屈服”。


1.________________(任何计划好了的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice.(whatever)

解析:考查主语从句。根据“计划好了的”可知,应使用现在完成时,下文as one暗示前面也应使用one作主语与之照应,提示词为whatever,故答案为Whatever one has planned或Whatever has been planned。

答案:Whatever one has planned/Whatever has been planned

2.One of my high school friends ________________(生活)in London ever since she moved there in 1998.(live)

解析:考查动词时态。由ever since和语境可知,应使用完成进行时。 答案:has been living

3.When I told her the air would be ________________(呼吸困难),she said it would be an interesting experience.(hard)


答案:hard to breathe

4.When I won all that money,it was as if all my dreams ________________(实现了).(come)

解析:考查as if引导的虚拟语气。本句是对过去情况的假设,语境时间又是过去,故用过去完成时。

答案:had come true

5.It is the ability to do the job ________________(起关键作用),not where you come from or what you are.(matter)


答案:that matters

6.The retired workers were invited to the company,________________(令他们惊讶的是),changes had been so great over the years.(surprise)

解析:考查定语从句。由短语to one’s surprise可知,surprise前要用形容词格来修饰,由句式结构可知本句是定语从句,故用whose。

答案:to whose surprise

7.________________(一旦你许下诺言),you should keep it.(once)


答案:Once you have made your promise

8.Compared with women,men always prefer ____________(在家睡觉)rather than spend so much time shopping.(sleep)

解析:考查固定搭配。由搭配prefer to do sth.rather than do可知答案。 答案:to sleep at home

9.When she realized I ________________(正在给她拍照),she quickly made a pose,smiling.(photograph)

解析:考查动词时态。由语境可知,“拍照”的动作正在发生。 答案:was photographing her

10.The old man insisted that I ________________(拿了他的钱包)and that I go to the police station with him.(take)


答案:had taken his wallet Ⅲ.阅读理解

Words:616 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:8′

(2010年黄冈模拟)After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they attained that success.Most say their achievement is the result of gruelling hard work and intense practice.Usually athletes say how hard it is to win the big games.At the opposite end of the spectrum,however,is the fact that losing the big game,or,in my case,all the games,can be even tougher.

From the spectators’ point of view,last year’s basketball season for my high school team was nothing short of an embarrassment.And while 0 and 20 is certainly nothing to be proud of,that season had a bigger impact on me than any other,and probably more than any season since.

As a team captain,I knew it probably wouldn’t be the easiest year,but did I ever think we would lose every game? Of course not.Since six of our top players had graduated,it was clear that we were a young team who would struggle.The struggle began earlier than expected,though,as our team’s starting center was suspended for the season,and two key members decided to quit after two weeks.At some point,quitting probably passed through every player’s mind,but,in the end,we all stuck it out,vowing to work even harder.

Then there came a time when even our own coach had given up on us.Personally,I felt like it was no longer worth giving my all.I thought,if even the coach doesn’t believe in us,why should I? But just as my hope began to fade,a teammate called a meeting. He said,“Nobody thinks we’re going to win,and heck,we may not,but






Sure,it was a little cliche (陈旧的),but it was that moment that taught me how to be a leader.It hit me then that I may have been a captain,but I,like others in my position,certainly didn’t deserve the role.As a leader you can never quit on the team who looks up to you.It is one thing to be named captain and feel great and go through the motions,but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their potential all the time.

I am sure it is great to go through high school without losing and bringing home awards.But in all honesty,I relish the fact that my team lost every game last year.It may not help me to become a better basketball player,but it already has made me a better leader,and person.

【解题导语】 成功固然光荣,失败依然可敬。带领残兵败将参加篮球比赛的整个悲壮的过程让作者深有感悟。

1.What was the biggest problem with the author’s team last season?

A.Several key members were unable to play the games. B.Their coach no longer wanted to instruct them. C.There were no actual leaders on the team. D.Most of players lost hope and wanted to quit.


2.In the text,the author seems to suggest that a good leader should ________. A.be confident about himself B.make sure everyone goes all out C.work hard to win the games D.feel great about his team


3.By saying “we owe it to each other to give it our all every game.”(Paragraph 4) the teammate means that all of them should ________.

A.be responsible for the losses B.try their best on the court

C.feel thankful for what they’ve done D.get together to win every game


4.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text? A.Success is the result of hard work. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed. C.One can learn something from the failure. D.A real leader should never give up.

解析:选C。主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段可判断此项正确。 Ⅳ.书面表达


请根据以下提示,以“节约——从身边做起”(Save In Everyday Life)为题写一篇关于创建节约型社会的短文。Why,How资源有限:水、石油、森林……

环境恶化:灾害性天气频繁,空气、水污染,水土流失……,节约:食物、纸、水、电…… 乘公共汽车,拒绝使用方便筷、塑料袋…… 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.标题已给出。

Save In Everyday Life

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

Save In Everyday Life

As a middle school student,we should take an active part in creating a society that saves.

On the one hand,the natural resources are limited.We don’t have enough water,oil or forest in many places.On the other hand,people keep cutting down more trees and letting out more carbon dioxide.At the same time,everyone can see that the environment is getting worse,People suffer from more typhoons and tornados nowadays.What’s worse,air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious.

In my opinion,we students should do something to stop wasting.We can save food,water,paper,electricity,etc.in our daily life.Meanwhile,we should take buses instead of cars,refuse to use chopsticks which are only used once and don’t use plastic bags.


人教新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习测试 必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal


