考试日期: 大连朗阁培训中心
Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations
2014 年 10 月 11 日 Reading Passage 1 Title: Coral Reef Fish 新西兰珊瑚鱼(2011.01.22 P1) TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (4) Question types: Flow Chart Completion (5) Summary (4) 从新西兰珊瑚鱼的特征和栖息地谈到如何对其进行有效的保护。 文章内容回顾 Coral reef fish are fish which live amongst or in close relation to coral reefs. Coral reefs form complex ecosystems with tremendous biodiversity. Among the myriad inhabitants, the fish stand out as particularly colorful and interesting to watch. Hundreds of species can exist in a small area of a healthy reef, many of them hidden or well camouflaged. Reef fish have developed many ingenious specializations adapted to survival on the reefs. Coral reefs occupy less than one percent of the surface area of the world oceans, but still they provide a home for 25 percent of all marine fish species. Reef habitats are a sharp contrast to the open 相关英文原文阅读 water habitats that make up the other 99% of the world oceans. However, loss and degradation of coral reef habitat, increasing pollution, and overfishing including the use of destructive fishing practices, are threatening the survival of the coral reefs and the associated reef fish. 题型难度分析 As an example of the adaptations made by reef fish, the yellow tang is a herbivore which feeds on benthic turf algae. They also provide cleaner services to marine turtles, by removing algal growth from their shells. They do not tolerate other fish with the same color or shape. When alarmed, the usually placid yellow tang can erect spines in its tail and slash at its opponent with rapid sideways movements. 1-4: 1. NOT GIVEN 2. TRUE 3. FALSE 4. TRUE 大连朗阁培训中心
Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations
题型技巧分析 5-9: 5. mouth size 6. medium 7. artificial light 8. laboratory 9. moon 10-13: 10. fish body 11. open ocean 12. reef 13. morality TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 主要考察了对于过于绝对的词汇的判断。 另外在 FALSE/NOT GIVEN 的判断方面,要注意对于文章内容的主观 延展,也属于 NOT GIVEN 的范畴。 剑桥雅思推荐练习 剑 8 Test 1; 剑 9 Test 3 Reading Passage 2 Title: Atlantis 亚特兰蒂斯考古 段落细节配对题 (4) 人名观点配对题 (5) 填空题 (4) 亚斯兰蒂斯这一区域之前是没有种植业的,通过研究当地的地理特质, 根据这些调研进行分析并判断这一地区是否适宜农耕。 Question types: 文章内容回顾 相关英文原文阅读 Atlantis is the name of a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges \Athens\The Republic). In the story, Athens was able to repel the Atlantean attack, unlike any other nation of the (western) known world, supposedly giving testament to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. At the end of the story, Atlantis eventually falls out of favor with the gods and famously submerges into the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its minor importance in Plato's work, the Atlantis story has had a considerable impact on literature. The allegorical aspect of Atlantis was taken up in utopian works of several Renaissance writers, such as Bacon's New Atlantis and More's Utopia. On the other hand, 19th-century amateur scholars misinterpreted Plato's account as historical tradition, most notably in Donnelly's Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. Plato's vague indications of the time of the events—more than 9,000 years before his day—and the alleged location of Atlantis—\—has led to
Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations
much pseudoscientific speculation. As a consequence, Atlantis has become a byword for any and all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations and continues to inspire today's fiction, from comic books to films. While present-day philologists and historians unanimously accept the story's fictional character, there is still debate on what served as its inspiration. The fact that Plato borrowed some of his allegories and metaphors—most notably the story of Gyges—from older traditions has caused a number of scholars to investigate possible inspiration of Atlantis from Egyptian records of the Thera eruption, the Sea Peoples invasion, or the Trojan War. Others have rejected this chain of tradition as implausible and insist that Plato designed the story from scratch, drawing loose inspiration from contemporary events like the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC or the destruction of Helike in 373 BC. 剑桥雅思推荐练习 剑 6 Test 1; 剑 6 Test 3 Reading Passage 3 Title: Bright Children 聪明的孩子 单选题 (4) 句子搭配题 (6) YES/NO/NOT GIVEN (4) 主要讨论了教育资源分配的问题。通过对美国、日本和中国的教育政 策的对比,得到的结论是拥有类似天赋的孩子往往应该被放在一起接 受教育。 Question types: 文章内容回顾 Education is an important factor in advancing ergonomic development. Synchronized development in education and economy is required by social reproduction. In the past decades, the developing countries have made big efforts to improve education in order to advance economic development. However, they have failed to achieve their objectives. This has demonstrated that the key issue in using education to advance economic development is the 相关英文原文阅读 optimization of educational resources distribution. The balanced distribution of the education resources is not only the inevitable requirement to realize the education fair but also the development path of China education reform. In this paper using a hierarchical analysis method(AHP),various factors have an influence on education resources balanced distribution, and have been checked, three factors including institutional factors, economic factors and social factors, have been quantitative analyzed. As a