completed and revised version 1998 European Union Commission on Contract Law
第一章 一般规定
Section 1 - Scope of the Principles 第一节 本原则的适用范围
Article 1.101- Application of the Principles 第1:101条:本原则的适用
(1) These Principles are intended to be applied as general rules of contract law in the European Communities.
(一)本原则拟作为合同法的一般规则在欧洲共同体适用。 (一)本原则作为合同法在欧共体内的适用通则。 本原则作为合同法 通则在欧共体内适用。
(2) These Principles will apply when the parties have agreed to incorporate them into their contract or that their contract is to be governed by them.
(3) These Principles may be applied when the parties: (a) have agreed that their contract is to be governed by ‘general principles of law’, the ‘lex mercatoria’ or the like; or (b) have not chosen any system or rules of law to govern their contract.
(4) These Principles may provide a solution to the issue raised where the system or rules of law applicable do not do so.
Article 1.102 - Freedom of contract 第1:102条:合同自由
(1) Parties are free to enter into a contract and to determine its contents, subject to the requirements of good faith and fair dealing, and the mandatory rules established by these Principles.
(2) The parties may exclude the application of any of the Principles or derogate from or vary their effects, except as otherwise provided by these Principles.
(二)当事人可以排除本原则的适用或者背离或变更其效力,除非本原则另有规定。 Article 1.103 - Mandatory Law 第1:103条:强行法
(1) Where the otherwise applicable law so allows, the parties may choose to have their contract governed by the Principles, with the effect that national mandatory rules are not applicable.
(2) Effect should nevertheless be given to those mandatory rules of national, supranational and international law which, according to the relevant rules of private international law, are applicable irrespective of the law governing the contract.
(二)依据有关国际私法规则,如国内的、超国家的以及国际的强制性规则能够适用时,则应赋予这些强制性规则以效力,而不管规制该合同的法律。 Article 1.104 - Application to questions of consent 第1:104条:对同意之问题的适用
(1) The existence and validity of the agreement of the parties to adopt or incorporate these Principles shall be determined by these Principles.
(2) Nevertheless, a party may rely upon the law of the country in which it has its habitual residence to establish that it did not consent if it appears from the circumstances that it would not be reasonable to determine the effect of its conduct in accordance with these Principles.
(二)然一方当事人可以依据它的惯常居所所在国的法律来证明它不同意,只要情况表明依据本原则确定它的行为的效力将是不合理的。 Article 1.105 - Usages and Practices 第1:105条:惯例与习惯做法
(1) The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practice they have established between themselves.
(2) The parties are bound by a usage which would be considered generally applicable by persons in the same situation as the parties, except where the application of such usage would be unreasonable.
Article 1.106 - Interpretation and Supplementation 第1:106条:解释与补充
(1) These Principles should be interpreted and developed in accordance with their purposes. In particular, regard should be had to the need to promote good faith and fair dealing, certainty in contractual relationships and
uniformity of application.
(2) Issues within the scope of these Principles but not expressly settled by them are so far as possible to be settled in accordance with the ideas underlying the Principles. Failing this, the legal system applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law is to be applied.
(二)对属于本原则范围之内但又未为本原则明确解决的问题,应尽可能地依照本原则所隐含的精神予以解决。如仍不能解决,则应适用依国际私法规则可以适用的法律制度。 Article 1.107 - Application of the Principles by Way of Analogy 第1:107条:本原则的类推适用
These Principles apply with appropriate modifications to agreements to modify or end a contract, to unilateral promises and other statements and conduct indicating intention.
Section 2 - General Obligations
第二节 一般义务
Article 1.201 - Good Faith and Fair Dealing 第1:201条:诚实信用和公平交易
(1) Each party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing. (一)各方当事人均须依诚实信用和公平交易而行为。 (2) The parties may not exclude or limit this duty. (二)当事人不得排除或限制此项义务。 Article 1.202- Duty to Co-operate 第1:202条:协助义务
Each party owes to the other a duty to co-operate in order to give full effect to the contract.
Section 3 - Terminology and Other Provisions
第三节 术语与其他规定
Article 1.301 - Meaning of Terms 第1:301条:用语的含义
In these Principles, except where the context otherwise requires: 在本原则中,除非上下文要求具有其他的含义:
(1) 'act' includes omission; (一)“行为”包括不作为; (2) 'court' includes arbitral tribunal; (二)“法院”包括仲裁机构;
(3) an 'intentional' act includes an act done recklessly; (三)“故意的”行为包括重大过失的行为;
(4) 'non-performance' denotes any failure to perform an obligation under the contract, whether or not excused, and includes delayed performance, defective performance and failure to co-operate in order to give full effect to the contract.
(5) A matter is 'material' if it is one which a reasonable person in the same situation as one party ought to have known would influence the other party in its decision whether to contract on the proposed terms or to contract at all.
(6) 'Written' statements include communications made by telegram, telex, telefax and electronic mail and other means of communication capable of providing a readable record of the statement on both sides
Article 1.302 - Reasonableness 第1:302条:合理性
Under these Principles reasonableness is to be judged by what persons acting in good faith and in the same situation as the parties would consider to be reasonable. In particular, in assessing what is reasonable the nature and purpose of the contract, the circumstances of the case, and the usages and practices of the trades or professions involved should be taken into account.
依据本原则,合理性是指由善意行为并与当事人处于相同的状况下之人加以判断所会认为是合理的情况;在权衡何谓合理者时,应特别考虑合同的性质与目的、案件的情况以及所涉交易或行业的惯例和习惯做法。 Article 1.303- Notice 第1:303条:通知
(1) Any notice may be given by any means, whether in writing or otherwise, appropriate to the circumstances.
(一)通知得以任何与具体情况相适合的方式作出,不论是书面的或其他的方式。 (2) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), any notice becomes effective when it reaches the addressee.