heart attacks?
A. We are not sure whether \ B. \ cause of heart attacks. C. \ D. We should slow down our pace of life. 72. What did Dr. Willich suggest? A. We should learn to enjoy our work. B. We'll see work as a burden.
C. We must find out whether work is a burden. D. We must find out more about work.
More than 2,500 years ago, a man in India made a discovery. He discovered the cause of unhappiness and its cure. The man was named Siddhartha Gautama, but he is much better known as the Buddha, which means \one of the world's great religions-Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama was born about 563 B. C. His father ruled a small state in northern India. Strangely enough, the man who discovered the cause of unhappiness knew little about it when he was young. His father tried to protect him from all knowledge of sickness, pain, suffering, and death.
In spite of all his father did, Siddhartha did eventually learn of unhappiness. He could never be content when he understood the truth. One night he left his father and his wife and child and gave up his great personal fortune. At first Siddhartha tried to learn wisdom from some holy men. Then he decided to look for the truth within himself. He sat beneath a tree and vowed that he would not leave until he understood the whole meaning of life. He sat there for 49 days, and then the truth came to him. Siddhartha, the seeker for wisdom, 'had become the Buddha-the wise one.
73. According to the passage, Siddhartha Gautam was . A. the first man who discovered a way to treat people's disease B. the founder of a great country C. the founder of a great religion D. a very intelligent man
74. Which of the following statements is true? A. Siddhartha had a happy childhood.
B. When he was small, Siddhartha realized life was full of hardships. C. His father taught him the knowledge of sickness, pain, suffering and death. D. Siddhartha sought for happiness all his life. 75. Why did Siddhartha sit under the tree for 49 days? A. He wanted to find a way to escape death and disease. B. He tried to work out the truth of life. C. He made up his mind to become a wise man. D. He wanted to found a great religion. 76. Which can be the best title of the passage? A. The Founder of a Great Religion B. The Beginning of a Great Religion C. The Childhood of Buddha
D. The Teachings of Buddha
For thousands of years people dreamed of having ability to fly. Mythology and folklore are filled with tales of supernatural beings who could fly. Yet as recently as the year 1900, most people thought that anyone who took the idea of \machine\seriously was an impractical dreamer. Now flying is a part of everyday life. In fact, it is so much a part of our
lives that we tend to take it for granted.
Aviation has brought truly revolutionary changes, especially since World War II. For one thing, the airplane has shrunk the world in terms of travel time. No place in the world is more than 24 hours away from any other by air. A traveler can board a plane in New York and arrive in London in less than four hours. The trip would have taken several days on the fastest ocean liner before World War II. It is not unusual for business executives to fly to a meeting several hundred kilometers away-and return home the same day.
Airplanes also are useful to industry. They deliver goods from factories to waiting customers in a fraction of the time it would take by train or truck. Airplanes take lifesaving drugs, as well as food, to victims of earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. Airplanes can deliver fresh tropical fruits to northern market. The growth of aviation has led to new occupations calling for special skills and created new job opportunities.
77. Which of the following is true?
A. People have always hoped to fly since ancient times. B. People could fly thousands of years ago.
C. People made a \ D. People made up stories in which they flew.
78. Which of the following is a great change brought by flying? A. Business executives can take planes.
B. People can reach any place in the world within 24 hours. C. A New Yorker can visit London. D. Flying is a part of everyday life.
79. What does the word \
A. Soft fruit. B. Plant. C. The southern hot area. D. Ripe. 80. The development of aviation provided people with . 资料仅供参考
A. more skills B. more chances C. more time D. more job chances 六、翻译。(每题4分,共20分) 81、她建议把计划作一些改动。
83、一旦她自己弄懂了的东西,她就能讲给别人。 84、毫无疑问,所有的电视节目都应该是有教育意义的。 85、全速进入大气层的飞船会彻底烧毁而消灭。 参考答案
81、He proposed to make (也能够用making) a change in the plan.
82、Without iron and steel (也能够用If there were no iron and steel), there would be no modern industry.
83、Once he understands anything himself, he can explain it to others. 84、There is no doubt that all television programs should be educational.
85、A spaceship entering the earth's atmosphere at full speed would burn up completely and disappear.