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一、英语知识运用(本题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1. ---We are going to visit Huang Guo Mountain this weekend. ---Really? ________! A. Congratulations B. That’s all right C. Have a good time

D. Thanks a lot

2. ---Great changes ________ in China in the past 10 years. --- Yes, our country is more and more beautiful. A. have been taken place B. have taken place C. has taken place

D. were taken place

3. --- Mary, it is raining. You’d better _________ out. --- But I promised to go to the cinema with Linda.

A. don’t go B. not go C. not to go D. not going 4. --- What do you think of the country?

--- It’s beautiful. ____ of the land in the country ____ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are 5.---Where is Mary?

---I think she ___ in the library. You know she never wastes time. A. has gone

B. has been

C. is studying

D. will stay

6. --- ___ do they surf on the Internet?

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---Twice a week. A. How soon

B. How much

C. How many

D. How often

7. ---Help! There is a big snake near the house. --- ______ afraid. It will go away later. A. Don’t

B. Not

C. Not be

D. Don’t be

8. Her hobby is ______ taking photos _____ collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers. A. not only; but also B. either; or C. neither; nor

D. both; and

9. ---Jack’s wife won’t go to the party.

--- _____________. A. He will either B. Neither will I

C. So will he

D. Either he will

10. --- I’m terribly sorry to step on your foot. --- ____________. A. Don’t say that

B. Never mind

C. That’s right

D. You’re welcome

11. ---How many new words are there in ______lesson? ---There are only _______. A. the fifth; five

B. fifth; five C. five; fifth

D. the five; the fifth

12. --- Do you like Mary?

---She is ___honest girl ___we all love her.

A. so; that B. such; that C. such an; that D. so an; that 13. ---Would you please help me with the box? ---____________. A. Yes, please

B. No, please don’t

C. With pleasure

D. My pleasure

14. I prefer going to the seaside _______ the hill this weekend. A. to climb B. to climbing C. climbing D. climb 15. All the students are busy ____for the exam

A. prepare B. prepared C. to prepare D. preparing 16. ---Shall we go boating tomorrow?

---_________. The weather report says a storm is coming. A. I’m afraid we can’t

B. sure

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1. C. That’s a good idea D. That’s a deal 17. --- Tom, you should _____an apology to your teacher ___being late. --- Yes, mum. I will.

A. make, to B. do, to C. take, for D. make, for 18. --- ___________? --- He is helpful.

A. What does Xiao Zhang look like

B. What is Xiao Zhang wearing C. How tall is Xiao Zhang

D. How do you like Xiao Zhang

19.________she is, the higher scores she gets.

A. The more careful B. The much careful C. The more carefully

D. The much carefully 20. Please tell me ____last year. A. where does your sister work

B. where your sister worked C. where your sister works D. where did your sister work

21. I feel like ___a long walk .Would you like ___with me?

A. taking, going B. taking, to go C. to take, to go

D. to take, going

22. ---He _______the English -Chinese dictionary for about twenty years, but it is still new.

---What a careful man! A. has bought B. has borrowed C. has had

D. has lent 23. ---Did you hear her ___this pop song the other day? ---Yes. I heard this song ___in English. A. sing, singing B. singing, sung C. sing, sung

D. sung, sing

24. ---Have you filled the _____form for your passport?

--- Yes, I have.

A. applying B. to apply C. application D. applied 25. The boy ______ has two lovely dogs.

A. who live next door B. which lives next door C. whom lives next door D. that lives next door

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26. ---I don’t mind lending you my dictionary. ---You ___. I have already bought one.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 27. Yang Li Wei came back to the earth after a ___ trip to space. A. twenty hour’s B. twenty-hours’ C. twenty hours

D. twenty-hour

28. Bob never does his homework ____Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as 29. ---Whose books are those? ---They are __________

A. our B. mine C. your D. their

30. The factory _______ we’ll visit next week is not far from here.

A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

二、阅读理解(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分 。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)


With the development of science and technology, our daily life is becoming more colorful and more convenient. An Underwater Hotel It looks like a spaceship but it is actually a picture of an underwater hotel. A company plans to build the hotel in the sea, which is about 18 meters below the surface. The whole building is underwater and you can get to it by swimming and diving. Google Glass Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery(电池)hidden inside the frame(边框). It can perform many of the same tasks as smart phones. The glass has hidden camera and a tiny screen. It is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing. A New Kind of Shirt Hate washing clothes? You’re going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company, Wool & Prince. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! The Wool 共8页 第4页

& Prince shirt never needs ironing(熨烫). The Digital(数字的) Library Can you imagine walking into a library and finding all books have turned into companies? The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio, Texas, America. Computers will take the place of books soon. 31. The underwater hotel is about _______meters below the surface. A. 10 B. 18 C. 100 D. 150

32. You needn’t use ______ when you take photos or video with Google Glass. A. camera B. a screen C. a battery D. your hands 33. You can wear the Wool & Prince shirt for about ______ without washing. A. a month B. two months C. three months D. a year 34. The digital Library tells us something about a library without ______. A. books B. computers C. bookshelves D. reader 35. Which one of the following can reduce our housework in our daily life? A. The underwater hotel B Google Glass C. The Wool & Prince shirt D. The digital library


The English Fashion recently asked people about their wonderful ideas and plans about things they could do. The magazine asked people the following question: \wanted, what would you like to do?\

Almost half (49%) of the people in the survey said they would buy material things such as a bigger house or a better car. One fifth (20%) of the people said they would travel to the interesting or famous places. 17% answered that they would give money to someone else. They would donate money to a charity or to help poor people. More than half of the rest of the people (about 10%) said they would give money to help medical research. All the other people in the English Fashion survey said they would save money in the bank. They said they didn't know what they would like to do right now, but perhaps in a few years they would find a good use for the money. \

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Mary Wilson, a sociologist at City University. \his feeling will not last long. After a while, they won't be satisfied with them any longer. \are those who make a change in people's lives that will last into the future. She thinks those people who give money to someone else or to medical research are thinking beyond themselves and their own needs at the moment. If they had all the money they wanted, they would make a difference in the world.

36. What is the English Fashion?

A. A sociology book. B. A magazine. C. A newspaper. D. A TV program. 37. Which of the following is a material thing?

A. A big car B. A holiday to Europe. C. Medical research. D. Terrible disease.

38. How many ways would people like to do with the money in Paragraph 2? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D.3 39. What does the underlined phrase \A. The feeling of travelling. B. The feeling of donating. C. The feeling of shopping.

D. The feeling of saving money.

40. Who did Dr. Wilson think were the unhappiest people? A. The people who would save the money for the future. B. The people who would give the money to a charity. C. The people who would give the money to medical research. D. The people who would spend the money on material things.


三、根据情景内容补全对话(本题5个空,41-43小题每空只填一词,每词1分;共5分) A: Good morning. Sit down, please. B: Good morning.

A: Do you have a 41.________? B: Yes. Here you are.

A: What kind of job are you applying for?

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B: I’m applying for a salesperson 42.________ in your company. A: What kind of 43.________ have you had? B: I graduated from No. 2 Vocational School. A: Do you have any work 44.__________?

B: Yes, I have worked in a supermarket for two years. A: OK. We’ll probably contact you in a week. B: Thank you for your consideration. A: You are 45._________.


One kind of vacation that many Americans enjoy is camping. Each summer 46._____ (million) of Americans drive to the countryside where they find places 47._____ (camp). The 48.______ (nation) parks, many of which are in the mountains, are favorite camping places. Campers enjoy the 49. _______(新鲜的) air, the lakes and the forests which they find in these parks. Campers hike, swim and fish. They can also find many 50. k______ of animals and plants in the parks. Most campers have trailers(拖车) which they drive or pull behind 51._______ (they) cars to their campsites. Trailers are like houses on wheels. They have many conveniences which people have in their homes, such 52._______ electricity and hot water. But most 53. _______ (camp) don’t have trailers. They camp in tents which they set 54.________ in their campsites. Campers in tents don’t have the conveniences that campers in trailers have. Tent campers enjoy a 55. _____ (simply) life.

五、职场应用(本大题共两部分,第一部分5分,第二 部分10分,共15分)



Many students have become shortsighted at a very young age. At present, about 70% of the students are shortsighted. It means more and more students can't use their eyes in a right way. After doing a survey, we found some main causes. Some students may not have enough sleep (about twenty percent). Fifteen percent of the students spend too much time reading or doing

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their homework without a rest. Some students even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time (about sixty percent). Medical research shows genetic (基因的) factors also contribute to (促成) poor eyesight.

The survey shows that: 56. At present, about ____________________ of the students are not shortsighted. 57. 20% of the students may not have____________________. 58. Students shouldn’t spend too much time reading or doing their homework ________________. 59. _____________________ of the students like to watch TV or use computers for a long time. 60. ______________________ also contribute to poor eyesight. 任务二:请根据调查结果写一篇文章,内容要点: 1、 对调查结果进行描述分析。 2、 对如何保护好眼睛提出建议。


How to protect our eyes?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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2019年**市春季高考第二次模拟考试 英语试题答案 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共50分) 一、选择题(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C B B C C D D C B B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A C C B D A D D A B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B C C C D A D B B C 二、阅读理解(本题10个小题,每小题2分,共20分) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 B D C A C B A B C D 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共30分) 三、根据情景内容补全对话 (每空只填一词,每词1分) 41. resume 42. position 43.education 44. experience 45. welcome 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容在空白处填上适当的词,或括号内单词的正确形式,或首字母,或汉语提示填写内容(本题10个空,每空1分,共10分) 46. millions 47. to camp 48. national 49. fresh 50. kinds 51. their 52. as 53. campers 54. up 55. simple 五、职场应用(本题共15分) 任务一(本题5个小题,每小题1分, 共5分) 56. 30% 57. enough sleep 58. without a rest 59. 60% 60. genetic factors 任务二:(本题1个大题, 共10分) 参考例文: How to protect our eyes? 共8页 第9页

The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted. Why are more and more children getting short sighted? Firstly, too much homework leads to the lack of time for exercise and a good sleep. Long time of watching TV or using computers makes it difficult to refresh eyesight. Secondly, medical research shows genetic factors also contribute to poor eyesight.

Realizing the reasons of this result, it’s time for us to take measures to protect our eyes. It’s not right to keep our eyes working for a long time. We’d better not read in a strong or poor light. Remember to do eye-exercises every day. What’s more, enough sleep is necessary. In addition, do not watch TV and use computers for too long and remember to stand up from the chair and do some exercise every hour.

Follow my advice and form a good habit. It’s time to say goodbye to thick glasses.

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