1、A citizen’s personal property shall include his lawfully earned
income,housing,saving,articles for daily use ,cultural relics ,book,reference materials,trees,livestock ,as well as means of production the law permits a citizen to possess and other lawful property .A citizen’s lawful property shall be protected by law ,and no organization or individual may appropriate ,encroach upon ,destroy or illegally seal up ,distain ,freeze or confiscate it.
2、Property may be owned jointly by two or more citizens or legal persons. There shall be two kinds of joint ownership ,namely co-ownership by shares and common ownership .Each of the co-owners by shares shall enjoy the right and assume the obligations respecting the joint property in proportion to his share .Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligation respecting the
joint property . Each co-owners by shares shall have the right to withdraw his own share of the joint property or transfer its ownership .However,when he offers to sell his share ,the other co-owners shall have a right of pre-emption if all other conditions are equal.
3、 If the owner of a buried or concealed object is unknown ,the object shall belong to the state .The unit that receives the object shall commend or give a material reward to the unit or individual that turns in the object.Lost-and -found objects ,flotsam and stray animals shall be returned to their rightful owners ,and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed by the owners.
4、Neighboring users of real estate shall , motivated for the desire to help production make things convenient for people’s lives, enhance unity and mutual assistance ,and be fair and reasonable ,maintain proper neighborly relations over such matters as water supply ,drainage , passageway ,ventilation and lighting .Anyone who causes obstruction or damage to his neighbor , shall stop the infringement, eliminate the obstruction and compensate for the damage.