和血益智方对 VD 大鼠学习记忆和海马的影
作者:田先翔 梅琼彬 王立 袁芳 袁尚荣 吴正治
【摘要】 目的观察和血益智方对 VD 大 鼠行为学和形态学的影响。方法动物随机分为假手术组和模型组。VD 模型制作成功后随机分为和血益智方小剂量组和大剂量组、思尔明组、生理盐水(NS)组。用穿梭箱和水迷宫检测大鼠行为学并作海马 HE 常规染色,光镜观察。结果和血益智方、思尔明均能缩短VD 大鼠穿梭箱实验主动逃避时间和遭受电击时间,减少遭受电击次数;能缩短 VD 大鼠水迷宫实验时定位航行潜伏期、游泳的路径,增加大鼠空间探索实验中穿越原目标的次数。NS 组海马细胞体积变大、核变小、有核仁消失和核固缩;除 假手术组正常外,其余各组海马细胞层次有减少,但细胞排列比较密集、细胞形态尚可。结论 和血益智方可 改善 VD 大鼠的学习记忆能力。
【关键词】 血管性痴呆;MORRIS 水迷宫;学习记忆;海马
〔Abstract〕 Objective To study the effects of Hexue Yizhi Formula on learning and memory and the morphology of the hippocampal neurons of the rats with Vascular Dementia (VD). Methods The rats were subjected for ischemia-reperfusion
repeatedly by blocking the bilateral common carotid arteries to establish VD models. They were divided into four groups randomly after the establishment of VD model. The treating groups were administrated with Hexue Yizhi Formula (1 mL/100 g)、Hexue Yizhi Formula (2 mL/100 g)、 Sermion、Natural Salt Solution (NS) respectively. Animals with the shamed-operation were taken as control. The behavior changes were observed through the Shuttle box test and water maze test at the end of treatment. Results In shuttle box test Stimulus Frequency (SC) 、Stimulated Time (ST) and Active avoidance Response Time (ART) of the rats were reduced respectively in Sermion、Hexue Yizhi Formula (1 mL/100 g)、Hexue Yizhi Formula (2 mL/100 g) groups than those in NS group. In the Morris water maze test, Stage of Latency and Pathway were declined and the times were increased markedly acrossing the target. The structure levels of hippocampal neurons reduced, but cells were more normal and intensive in treated groups except NS group. Conclusion Our study suggest that Hexue Yizhi Formula can improve the ability of the leaning and memory of the rats with vacular dementia and improve the clinical symptoms of VD.
〔Key Words〕 Vascular dementia; Morris water maze; Learning and memory; Hippocampus
血管性痴呆(vascular dementia, VD)是老年人多发痴呆之一,系继发于脑血管病变后的缓慢性、渐进性智能障碍。它不仅给患者带来躯体上的痛苦,也带来精神上的巨大负担。湖北中医学院名老中医田玉美教授用和血益智方治疗 VD 有较好的临床疗效。本实验从行为学和形态学方面研究了和血益智方抗大鼠 VD 的作用,现报道如下。
1 材料和方法
1.1 动物及分组
经穿梭箱实验筛选的健康正常 SD 大鼠,体重220~250 g,雄性,随机分为假手术组(10 只)和模型组。将造模成功的 VD 大鼠 40 只随机分为 HXYZ 组 1(和血益智方小剂量)、HXYZ 组 2(和血益智方大剂量)、思尔明(Sermion)组、生理盐水(NS)组,每组各 10 只。所用大鼠均由湖北省实验动物中心提供〔SPF 级,动物合格证号 SCXK(鄂)2003-0003〕。各组大鼠均常规饲养。
1.2 试剂及器材