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【期刊名称】《广州医学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)005

【摘要】目的::评价血府逐瘀汤联合硝苯地平治疗高血压脑出血非手术患者的疗效。方法:将本院2013年9月-2014年10月收治的98例高血压脑出血非手术患者随机分为两组,西医组仅给予常规西医治疗,中西医组在西医治疗基础上,增加血府逐瘀汤。6月后评估两组治疗效果。结果:治疗后,中西医组收缩压(139.3±9.5 vs 161.7±11.4)mm Hg显著低于西医组,其他指标舒张压、K+(mmol/L)、Na+(mmol/L)、Cl-(mmol/L)、BUN(mmol/L)、Cr(μmol/L)两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗后,中西医组痊愈20例,显效18例,有效10例,总有效率98%。西医组痊愈9例,显效12例,有效20例,总有效率84%,中西医组总有效率高于西医组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=48,P<0.05)。结论:血府逐瘀汤联合硝苯地平能有效改善高血压脑出血非手术患者的临床疗效。%Objective:To evaluate the effects of Xuefuzhuyu Decoction combined with Nifedipine for treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ( HICH ) in non-surgical patients. Methods:Nighty-eight HICH patients During September 2013 to October 2014 in our hospital who did not received surgical treatment were randomly divided into two groups. The Western medicine group received conventional western medicine alone. The Chinese and Western medicine group

received Xuefuzhuyu Decoction based on the treatment of western medicine. The efficacy in the two groups was assessed at 6 months after the treatment. Results:After treatment, the systolic blood pressure ( SBP ) in the Chinese and Western medicine group was significantly lower than that in the Western medicine group ( 139. 3 ± 9. 5 vs 161. 7 ± 11. 4 ) mm Hg. There were no statistically significant differences in the diastolic blood pressure ( DBP ) , K+( mmol / L ) , Na+( mmol/L ) , Cl-( mmol/L ) , BUN ( mmol/L) and Cr (μmol/L ) between the two groups ( P>0. 05 ) . After the treatment, 20 recovered, 18 markedly effective and 10 effective cases were found in the Chinese and Western medicine group, with the total efficiency of 98%;9 recovered, 12 markedly effective and 20 effective cases were found in the Western medicine group, with the total efficiency of 84%. The total efficiency in the Chinese and Western medicine group was higher than that in the Western medicine group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=48, P<0. 05).Conclusion:Xuefuzhuyu Decoction combined with Nifedipine can effectively improve the clinical efficacy in non-surgical HICH patients. 【总页数】4页(63-66)

【关键词】中药;高血压脑出血;治疗;前瞻性 【作者】黄穗翔;叶劲超;陈伟新;赖志强

【作者单位】暨南大学医学院附属广州市红十字会医院 外科,广东 广州 510220;暨南大学医学院附属广州市红十字会医院 外科,广东 广州 510220;暨

南大学医学院附属广州市红十字会医院 外科,广东 广州 510220;从化区温泉镇卫生院 内科,广东 广州510976 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R544.1 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-guangzhou-medical-college_thesis/0201244219538.html 【相关文献】

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