Scheme for sharing classical information via
tripartite entangled states
Xue Zheng-Yuan;Yi You-Min;Cao Zhuo-Liang
【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2006(015)007
【摘要】We investigate schemes for quantum secret sharing and quantum dense coding via tripartite entangled states.We present a scheme for sharing classical information via entanglement swapping using two tripartite entangled GHZ states. In order to throw light upon the security affairs of the quantum dense coding protocol, we also suggest a secure quantum dense coding scheme via W state by analogy with the theory of sharing information among involved users. 【总页数】4页(1421-1424)
【关键词】quantum secret sharing;quantum dense coding;tripartite entangled state
【作者】Xue Zheng-Yuan;Yi You-Min;Cao Zhuo-Liang
【作者单位】Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Acquisition and Manipulation Ministry of Education, and School of Physics and Material Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China;Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Acquisition and Manipulation Ministry of Education, and School of Physics and Material Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China;Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic
Scheme for sharing classical information via tripartite entangled states