【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)012
【摘要】该文主要对交互式高清视频会议系统架构、所用设备进行了简要介绍,同时对交互式高清视频会议系统在采油三厂的应用做了重点介绍,在信息化条件下,视频会议系统对采油三厂日常生产生活中的重要性进行初步介绍,并且根据这些系统对采油三厂的生产组织延升提出思路。%This paper gives a brief introduction of the interactive HD video conference system architecture, the equipment used at the same time, the interactive HD video conferencing system in the application of the three production plant were introduced, under conditions of informatization, video conference system, a preliminary description of the importance of daily life and pro-ducing three production plants, and according to the production the organization of the three production plant, the system is put forward.
【总页数】2页(210-211) 【关键词】交互式;高清;视频会议 【作者】李录兵;高玉玉
【作者单位】长庆油田第三采油厂,宁夏银川750001;长庆油田第三采油厂,宁夏银川750001 【正文语种】中文