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Module1 Getting to know you

Unit1 My birthday 生词:

first second third fourth fifth sixth 音标: /i:/ /i/ e she me i it this e_e these Chinese drill fish ee bee sweet y easy very ea sea read happy early


When is your birthday?

It’s on the...of January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/ November/December.

Unit2 My way to school 生词:

taxi underground zebra crossing traffic lights pavement 音标:

/e/ /?/ e bed pet a dad back a any many apple black

ea head bread


How do you come to school? I come to school...

Unit3 My future 生词:

worker pilot farmer cook shop assistant 音标: /p/ p pick map /t/ t taste fruit /b/ b book job /d/ d date bad /k/ /g/ 语法:

What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...

k c ck g kite cook clock game work picnic duck big

Module2 Me,my family and friends

Unit1 Grandparents 生词:

write an e-mail go shopping play chess 音标:

a ar /a:/ class ask arm sharp past bath park large u o /Λ/ us duck other love club puzzle son colour


How often...

Unit2 Friends 生词:

Same different both all 音标:

u oo /u:/ rule too room school tooth u oo /?/ sugar put book cook full pull look foot


sb. both...(do)...

Unit3 Moving home 生词:

West north east south 音标:

/f/ /v/ /θ/ /e/ 语法: Why... Because...

f v th th food van think that roof live tooth with

Module3 Places and activities

Unit1 Around the city 生词:

Hotel bank hospital bakery museum cinema 音标:

/s/ /z/ s c z s sigh city zoo visit bus nice size is /ts/ /dz/ ts ds lights boats cards hands parts rabbits clouds beds 语法: How do I get to...,please? Walk along...

Unit2 Buying new clothes 生词:

button zip pocket 音标:

or al au oor /?:/ short hall autumn door horse fall naughty floor o a /?/ office off what watch box wrong want 语法: Which ... Do you like, the ... One or the ... One? I like the ... One.

Unit3 Seeing the doctor 生词:

fever toothache cough cold 音标: /?:/ er her term ir bird third ur nurse turn or work word 语法: What should I do? You should...

er a /?/ teacher driver panda again paper farmer banana along Module4 The nature word

Unit1 Water 生词:

first next then finally 音标:

ch g j /t?/ cheap China /d?/ age orange job jam rich each giraffe cage juice jump sh s /?/ share fish shirt brush /?/ usually pleasure television



Unit2 wind 生词:

gently stronger slowly quickly 音标: /tr/ tr tree try dr train trunk triangle traffic /dr/ dress drink drive dry draw dream


It is blowing gently.

Unit3 Fire 生词:

Don’t smoke Don’t start campfires Don’t play near fires Don’t play with matches 音标:

/i:/ /p/ /k/ /u:/ /θ/ /?:/ /t?/ sheep pig back food both water rich /i/ /b/ /g/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /d?/ ship big bag foot with what giraffe /e/ /t/ /ɑ:/ /f/ /s/ /?:/ /?/ bed hat father leaf piece purple sure /?/ /d/ /?/ /v/ /z/ /?/ /?/ bad had brother leave please paper pleasure


We must/mustn’t...



