Stinky tofu smells rotten, but it tastes great. 臭豆腐闻起来是臭的,但吃起来却很好吃。
48. fresh (a.) 新鲜的
Your fish must be fresh if you want to eat it raw. 你的鱼必须是新鲜的,如果你要生吃的话。
49. down and out 穷困潦倒;孤苦无助
People should lend him a helping hand; He’s really down and out. 人们应该助他一臂之力,他已经穷困潦倒了。
50. past (n.) 过去,昔日
He lives in the past and he doesn't even have a computer! 他还活在过去,竟然没有计算机!
51. present (n.) 现在,目前
Only by living in the present can you be free of worries. 只有活在当下才能无忧虑。
52. eat like a bird
Jenny is very slim because she eats like a bird. 詹妮十分苗条,因为她吃的少。
53. future (n.) 未来,将来
She didn't see any future in their relationship. 她对她们的未来没抱希望。
54. duration (n.) 持续时间
A basketball game has a duration of 48 minutes. 一场篮球有48分钟的比赛时间。
55. for good 永远
Smoke less everyday, then you might be able to quit smoking for good. 每天少吸烟一点, 你就可能会永远戒掉烟。
Don’t shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him. 不要假惺惺的为他的厄运假慈悲了,我知道你恨他。
56. outlook (n.) 前景
The company's outlook was not good. 公司的前景不怎么看好。
57. potential (n.) 潜力
I think this young man has a lot of potential. 我觉得这个年轻人的潜力不错。
58. get fired 炒鱿鱼
The anchorman of the BBC network’s evening news got fired. 听说BBC电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒了鱿鱼。
59. fortune (n.) 命运
Before we were married, we had to have our fortunes told. 我们在结婚前已经算过命了。
60. fate (n.) 命运;天命,天数
You can not escape your fate. 你无法逃脱你的命运。 61. hang in the balance
I guess my future hangs in the balance. 我想我的未来悬而未决啊。
62. goal (n.) 目标
After you set your goals, you must work continuously toward them. 设定目标后要持续的往目标努力。
63. plan (n.) 计划
She has a 10-step plan for her future. 她对她的未有设定了十个步骤的计划。
64. high and dry 被抛弃的,处于痛苦之中的
George took all the money away and left his companions high and dry, with nothing to buy the tickets.
65. projection (n.) 规划
The company's projection of their income was unrealistic. 公司对营利的规划不切实际。
66. schedule (n.) 行程
We are already behind schedule and we haven't even started yet. 我们的行程已经晚了,甚至还没开始呢!
67. high and low 到处
I looked high and low for my pen,but I couldn’t find it anywhere. 我到处找我的钢笔,但我怎么也找不到它。
68. intend (vt.) 打算
My parents intend for me to go to university in England. 我的父母打算让我到英国读大学。
dream 69. (n.) 梦想
Without dreams, we have no future. 没有梦想就没有未来。
70. hit upon 突然想到
He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.