1. ceremony (n.) 仪式,典礼
The awards ceremony was packed with rich and famous people. 颁奖典礼中挤满了有钱及知名人士。
2. organism (n.) 生物,有机体
Any living thing is an organism. 任何有生命的东西都是有机体。
3. nest egg 储蓄
By retirement, they had saved up quite a nest egg. 到退休时,他们已经存了一大笔钱了。
4. plant (n.) 植物
Most plants need dirt, water and sunlight to live. 大部分的植物需要仰赖土壤,水和阳光生存。
5. animal (n.) 动物
What is the biggest animal you have seen? 您所看过最大的动物是什么?
6. college fund 念大学的基金
I've been adding to his college fund for years now.. 我已经为他的大学基金贡献多年了。
7. living (a.) 有生命的;活的
Coral is actually a living animal, living on top of dead animals. 珊瑚事实上是一种有生命的动物,生长在死去动物身上。
8. mammal (n.) 哺乳动物
Did you know that whales are mammals? 您知道鲸鱼是哺乳动物吗?
9. nuclear family 核心家庭
My cousin is not part of my nuclear family. 我的堂表兄弟姊妹并不是核心家庭的一部分。
10. insect
(n.) 昆虫
Mosquitoes are my least favorite insect. 蚊子是我最不喜欢的昆虫。
11. fowl (n.) 鸟禽类
Ducks are a type of water fowl. 鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。
12. seeing each other 约会
We've been seeing each other for about 3 months. 我们已经约会大约三个月了。
13. complimentary (a.) 【美】赠送的
The flight attendant gave me a complimentary drink after we took off. 飞机起飞后,服务人员给我们附赠的饮料。
14. currency (n.) 货币
Every country has its own currency. 每个国家都有自己的货币。
15. behave yourself 规矩点
Please behave yourself before the guests. 在宾客面前请你检点一些。 16. reusable (a.) 可重复使用的
Reusable items last longer than disposable ones and help the environment. 可重复使用的物品比抛弃式耐用,而且对环境比较好。
17. impact (n.) 影响
Tourists can have a big impact on the places they visit. 观光客对他们所参观的地方可造成很大的影响。
18. behind the scenes 幕后
He is the man behind the scenes. 他是幕后人物。
19. contraband (n.) 违禁品
If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail.
20. quarantine (n.) 隔离
If you bring your pet to another country, you may have to put it in quarantine for a while.
21. between ourselves 私下的话,不可外传
This matter is between ourselves. 这事你我知道就好。
22. provision (n.) 储备粮食
We brought plenty of provisions for the trip. 我们为这趟旅行带了足够的粮食。
23. cuisine (n.) 美食;佳肴
French cuisine is famous around the world. 法国美食举世闻名。
24. beyond the seas