I w ouJd say the m o st popular gam e is P fents V s. Zorn bies. W hen it com es to
gam e is easy to team; second^, IhiDUgh conqueiiig the zom bies h ttie 剑桥雅思9真题+解析-TestL 口语Parti
The examiner asks the candidate about Nm/berseif, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
? What games are popular in your countiy? [Why?] ? Do you play any games? (Why/Why not?]
? How do people learn to play games in your country?
Do you think ifs irrportant for people to play games? [WhyAMiy not?]
W hat gam es aie popular h your country? W hy?] 你们国家流行什么游戏 ?(为什么?) 名师点题剑9 口语
Parti ,而近期的雅
思口语考试多将其放在 Part2 ,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏( A gam e you
played a btn childhood
一个国家内受不同群体欢迎的游戏,亦可“孤注一掷\,即将答案具体化,将回答的重点落 实到具体的某项游戏上,再给以适当的细节描述。
Itvaries. Forouryoung geneiatbn, theie is only one nam e fcrgam es thatw e are
crazy about; which is the com puter gam es, either shg fe-user vers bn or concunentveisbn. For the eider genera tbn, Ike m y grandpa, 1hey have a btof folk gam es to phy, such as shuttlecock, diabob and jim phg rape. As for 1he reason why such kind of situation appears, persona 旳 Ilhiik ithas m uch to do w ith \
changes of tin es and technology.
ttie leason
ofpopuhrity, I would Ike to sum m arize 1he folbw hg tivo poiife: firsts, this gam e, people
can oblah a sense of satisfectbn, which is uigen圾 needed to
push people aid.
Based on m y own experience and observation ftom \
that com putergam es are enjoying an hcieashg popularily. Vaii)us khdsofcom puter
gam es crop into people's attention, adventJie gam es, icfe-playhg gam es and lachg gam es so on and
these gam es not on^ help m e lehx but ako benefit m e w ith the am bitbn to succeed.
so forth. W hy people aie feschaled w ±th those gam es? Ithnk they jJstwantlD fed a way to leheve 也 e pressure broughtby study or work.
亮点表达 be ciazy about ??…痴迷
concunentvershn 网版 adventuie gam es 冒游
xachg gam es 技游 shgfe-userveisbn 机版 P hntV s. Zorn bis 植物大僵尸 iDfe-phyiig gam es
角色扮演游 D o you play any gam es? W hy/W hy not?] 你玩儿游?(什么?)
其次要在描述喜的原因上下功夫, 你可以从游身心
Before Igive you m y answ er; Ihave to lem hd you that a super gam e player 0 f course Iphy gam es and phyed a gieatnum berofdi/eisified ones. W hen Im oved on the danchg blanket lenj)yed the feeing ofdanchg to 1he m usic;W hen 1 played the
M egga Jum p, Icouldn^thet overcom hg a 11 the obstacles to w in success. A U