TEXTILE EXPORT LICENCE 1 出口商(代码、名称和地址) Exporter (EID, name & address) 2 许可证号码 CN Licence No. 3 年度 Year 5 发票号码 Invoice No. 6 收货人(名称和地址) 7 装运地、装运期及目的地 Place & time of shipment , destination 4 类别号 Category No. 正 本 ORIGINAL Consignee (name & address) 8 中国港口离岸价值 Value of FOB Chinese port 9 唛头—包装件数—商品名称 Marks & numbers-number of packages-DESCRIPTION OF GOODS 10 数量 Quantity 11 单价 Unit price 12 总值 Amount 13 生产厂家代码 M. I. D. 14 发证机构证明 15 发证机构签章 Issuing authorities ’ stamp and signature Certification by the issuing authority It is hereby certified that the quantity of the goods described above falls within the level agreed by China and the United States for the year shown in box No.3 in respect of the category shown in box No.4 and shall be allowed entry into the customs territory of the United States. 日期 Date