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中考英语试题专题练习 情景交际

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36、(2016?恩施州)--Would you help us make a plan to explore Tibet? --___________.( ) A.No,thanks. B.Yes,of course. C.It's very kind of you. 【考点】常用日常交际用语.

【分析】--你能帮我们制定一个去西藏探险的计划吗? --是的,当然可以. 【解答】答案:B.

首先明确各选项中句子的意思,A:不了,谢谢;B:是的,当然可以;C:你真好; 根据前面一个人表达的意思是\你能帮我们制定一个去西藏探险的计划吗?\确定设空处应该填\是的,当然可以\. 故选B

37、(2016?漳州)-We won the match at last because of good teamwork. - .One tree can't make a forest.( ) A.That's true B.That's all right C.It's hard to say


【分析】--我们最后赢得比赛是因为很好的团队合作. --说的对.独木不成林. 【解答】答案为A.

A.That's true 那是对的,说的对.B.That's all right 没关系、不客气 C.It's hard to say.难说 根据回答One tree can't make a forest我们知道,回答者对前面的论述是持同意的态度,所以答案为A. 38、(2016?十堰)-Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam? -______.( )

A.Sounds great B.You're welcome C.It serves you right D.Never mind 【考点】常用日常交际用语.

【分析】-在这次考试后我们去看我们的老师好吗? -听起来不错.

【解答】答案:A;Sounds great听起来不错;You're welcome不用客气;It serves you right;你真活该;Never mind不要紧;根据上句Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam可知是好的建议;答语应表


39、(2016?十堰)-Hello!May I speak to Mary,please? -- ( ) A.I don't think so B.I am Mary C.Hurry up,please D.This is Mary speaking 【考点】常用日常交际用语. 【分析】-你好!我可以跟玛丽说话吗? -我是玛丽.

【解答】答案:D;I don't think so我不那样认为;I am Mary我是玛丽;Hurry up,please请快点;This is Mary speaking我是玛丽,电话用语;根据上句May I speak to Mary,please?可知是电话用语;答语应为This is Mary speaking;故选D

40、(2016?齐齐哈尔)-James,would you mind if I use your dictionary? - .( )


B.NO,you'd better not C.Of course not,go ahead 【考点】常用日常交际用语.

【分析】-James,你介意我用一下你的词典吗? -当然不介意,请便.

【解答】答案:C;A.Yes,please 是的,介意;B.NO,you'd better not不,你最好别用;Of course not,go ahead当然不介意,请便;对于mind的回答,表示不介意的方式有Not at all.No,I don't.Of course not.I don't mind;表示介意的方式有Sorry,I am afraid,You'd better not等;根据上句would you mind if I use your dictionary?可知答语应为Of course not,go ahead,表示不介意;故选C.

中考英语试题专题练习 情景交际


