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创新大学英语综合教程2 第七单元课文和课文翻译

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For many parents, helping children develop healthy eating habits is a struggle. With the hectic pace of many families' lives and with more women working full time, even health-conscious parents are finding it easy to tolerate less than desirable eating habits. 2.


with the issue so they give up, letting kids make their own choices,\of nutrition service/education in adolescent medicine and lecturer in pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine and Public Health.

“ But children's judgment is less mature and they still depend on parents to guide them.\ 3.

It is best to start training children about foods as soon as they can talk since they are most influenced by their families during the preschool years. Additionally, research has shown that heart and blood vessel disease can begin very early and that hardening of the arteries can be associated with a high-fat diet. 4.

Parents should carefully read food labels to check nutrients and ingredients. Most kids are attracted to the advertising and packaging of food, including highly sugared cereals. Rees suggests fitting them in occasionally as a treat in an overall diet that is focused on low sugar, low fat, and unprocessed foods. 5.

Although it's a myth that children become hyperactive by eating too much sugar, sugary food is still bad for oral health, can be stored as fat, and aggravates diabetes, says Rees. However, completely denying children sugar will only make it more tempting. 6.

Ress suggests involving young children in the food preparation process. For example, teach children how to set the table during their preschool years. Taken them grocery shopping. Let them choose some fruits and vegetables as well as the occasional treats, advises Rees. \You will see their capabilities grow enormously“ she says. \the natural signs that kids are ready to help, they will lose the window of opportunity.\ 7.

Developing children's attitude toward food should be similar to teaching them how to handle money-by giving them growing responsibility along with sensible access. If children are properly prepared, they are more likely to make healthy food choices once they enter school. They will probably experiment some, but they will have a preference for fresh foods like fruits and vegetables along with foods like French fries, says Rees. 8.

What about changing the diet of children who have already fallen into the junk food habit? Once children reach age 10 or 12, it is very difficult to change their habits or force them to eat healthier foods. Rees suggests calling a family meeting to rationally discuss ways to eliminate most junk foods and substitute more nutritious ones. If they learn to eat a well- balanced diet, they won't need vitamin supplements, she says. 9.


time,”says Rees. However, even children who have developed a taste for nutritious food may change when they reach teenage years. Teenagers like to experiment with everything, including risky

food behavior. They might gravitate toward highly processed foods, but once they become older and more independent they are likely to return to the healthy habits they had when growing up.\ 10

Other common problems among teenagers include girls who may view food as a treat to slimness, or boys who take muscle-building supplements. About 25% to 40% of teenagers are overweight, mostly from lack of exercise in combination with eating too much fat and sugar. This problem can turn into an emotionone and become a vicious circle-eating, or starving, to cope with unhappiness. 11.

\ \ professionals is the best method for addressing eating disorders. 1.

对许多父母来说,培养孩子健康的饮食习惯不是件容易的事。随着许多家庭生活节奏加快,及更多妇女全职工作,即使是重视健康的父母也开始容忍一些并不可取的饮食习惯。 2

“很多父母不想就这个问题争下去了,所以他们选择了放弃,让孩子自己去选择”, 华盛顿 大学医学暨公共卫生学院儿科学讲师、青少年营养服务及教育指导师简里斯说到,“但是 孩子的判断力还不够成熟,他们仍然得靠父母指导。” 3

教孩子如何选择食物的最佳时机是在他们刚开始说话的时候,因为在学期前时期,家庭 对他们的影响最大。此外,研究表明,心血管疾病可能起源甚早,而动脉硬化也和高脂 肪的饮食有关。 4

父母应该仔细阅读食品标签,查看其营养素及构成成分。大部分孩子会被食品广告和包 装吸引,其中也包括高糖谷类食品。里斯建议父母偶尔可以拿这类食品哄孩子高兴,但 总体要以低糖、低脂肪和未加工的食品为主。 5

里斯指出,虽然吃太多糖会导致儿童多动的说法缺乏事实依据,但含糖食物有害口腔健 康,糖会转化成脂肪储存起来,还会加重糖尿病。然而,完全不让孩子吃糖又只能使糖 愈发诱人。 6

里斯建议年幼的孩子参与到食物的准备过程中去。比如,教学前儿童摆放餐具,带他们 去采购食品杂货,让他们挑选水果蔬菜,偶尔也允许他们选些自己喜欢的食品。“你将看 到孩子能力大大提高”, 她说,“但是如果父母没有意识到孩子乐于帮忙这一自然迹象, 他们将错失良机。” 7

里斯指出,培养孩子对待食物的态度就像教孩子如如何理财一样— 需要给他们更多的责 任和适当的机会。如果预备教育做得好,那么孩子一朝进入学校,就更有可能选择健康 的食物。他们可能会做一些尝试,但他们会在喜欢炸薯条之类食物的同时,喜欢水果、

蔬菜等新鲜食物。 8

怎样改变那些已经习惯吃垃圾食品的孩子的饮食习惯呢?一旦孩子年满十或十二岁,就 很难改变他们的饮食或强迫他们吃更健康的食物。里斯建议召集家庭会议,理性地讨论 如何杜绝大部分垃圾食品,而代之以更有营养的食物。她还说,如果他们学会吃营养均 衡的食物,那他们就不再需要维生素补充剂了。 9

“如果你没有长期以来建立起良好的营养意识,那营养指导将不会起任何作用,”里斯又 指出,“但是,就算已经喜欢上营养食物的孩子也可能在青少年时期发生改变。年轻人喜 欢尝试一切,包括有风险的饮食行为。他们有可能被深加工食物吸引,但一旦他们长 大,变得更独立,就可能重拾过去养成的健康饮食习惯。” 10

青少年普遍存在的问题还包括,女孩把食物看作对其苗条身材的威胁,而男孩射入肌肉 强健补充剂。大概百分之二十五到百分之四十的青少年超重,主要原因是缺乏锻炼且摄 入大量脂肪和糖分。这个问题可能会演变成情绪问题并形成恶性循环-通过暴饮暴食或通 过过度节食来解除苦恼。 11

“如果你遇到了真正的饮食问题,并且伴随着愤怒和内心冲突,” 里斯建议,“向专业人士 寻求干预。” 来自家庭、朋友和专业保健人士 的支持和帮助是解决饮食失调的最好方法。

创新大学英语综合教程2 第七单元课文和课文翻译


