Hull House 赫尔大厦 Hull/[hQl]
赫尔(①姓氏 ②Cordell, 1871 -1955, 美国政治家, 于1933 -1944任美国国务卿, 曾获1945年诺贝尔和平奖 ③英格兰东北部一港市 ④加拿大东南部一城市)。感觉是赫尔馆。 Illness
Improving America’s Schools Act 1994 《改善美国学校法案》1994 Industrial Revolution 工业革命 Inhalants 吸入剂
Life cycle concept 生命周期概念
Insta Care Center 病情不稳定者照顾中心 Institutional racism 制度性种族歧视
Intenive Family Preservation Services (IFPS) 密集式家庭维护服务 Inrernational Federation of Social Workers 国际社会工作者联盟 Isolation 隔离
Journal of care management 《个案管理杂志》 Journal of social work education 《社会工作教育杂志》 Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 Gangs 青少年犯罪帮派 Leadership In group work
Religious Siciao worker
Licensing of social workers 社会工作的证照办法 Literacy 读书识字 Lobbying Loneliness
Los Angles riots (1992) 洛杉矶暴乱(1992) Managed care programs 管理式保健计划 Marathon groups 马拉松小组 Marijuans
Medicaid 医疗补助制度 Medicare 老年医疗保健制度
Medting reform 老年医疗保健制度改革 Melting-pot theory 熔炉理论
Mental Health Act (1946) 《精神健康法案》1946 Mental health services 健康精神服务
Aftercare facilities and 出院后的照顾设施与精神健康服务 For aging population
Chronically mentaliiy ill and 慢性精神病与精神健康服务 Commitment and 服务承诺与靖康精神服务
Community mental health centers (CMHCS)and 社区精神健康中心与精神健康服务
Diagnosis and 诊断与 Group work in History of Homelessness and Mental hospitals and
Mental health network and 精神健康网络与精神将康服务 Outpatitent clinics and 门诊所与~~ Prevention and Research and
Residential trearment centres for children (RTC) 儿童入住治疗中心 Teenage suicide and 少年自杀与精神健康服务 Therapeutic clubs and 治疗兴俱乐部与精神健康服务 Values and
Work as therapy and
Methadone maintenance 美沙酮疗法 Mezzo systems 中观系同 Micro sysytems 微观系统
NASW News 全国社会工作者协会新闻 National association of social workers ??.. Code of ethics 伦理守则 Corrections and
Diplomate exam 社会工作师资格考试
National center for family literacy 国家家庭扫盲中心 National center for juwenile justice 全国青少年司法中心 National Health Care Act (1992) 《国家卫生保健法案》1992 Neighbor to Neighbor 邻里结对互助 Nursing homes 护理院
Older Americans Act (1965) 《美国老年人法案》(1965) Open systems 开放系统 Parole 假释 Path ahead 前景 Peace corps 和平队
Person-in-environment 人在环境中
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (1996) 《个人责任和工作机会法案》(1996) Planning
In community organization For group work
Police departments 警察局 Poverty 贫困 Homelessness and Public welfare and
In rural areas 乡村地区与贫困
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs) 优选服务供给组织
Premarital counseling Prevention 预防 Corrections and Defined Drug abuse Enrichment and Examples of
In future of social work Health care and Implications of Mental health care and Problems in volved in