【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)019
【摘要】利用计算机建立试题库,实现计算机自动选题组卷,是计算机辅助教学(Computer Aided Instruction,CAI)的重要组成部分,也是实现考试规范化、科学化的重要措施,更是实现教考分离的一个重要手段。但是,计算机的组卷过程是机器行为,试卷质量怎样进行量化和优化是必须解决的重要问题。该文对考试中的自动组卷生成的试卷进行了研究,通过建立相关的数学建模来检测该试卷的合理性,采用层次分析法对试卷质量进行量化评价。从而,使考试更加标准化,客观、真实、全面地反映教学的实际效果,有利于促进教学质量的提高。%An important part of Computer aided instruction to that building database and test paper auto-production. Separation of teaching and testing by scientific and standardized course tests. But test paper auto-production process have an important prob-lem must be solved that how assures quantify and optimization by machine. In this paper, the correctness of detecting on the basis of the math model, and the quality evaluation by analytic hierarchy process. So then make the examination more standardized, ob-jective, authentic, comprehensive to reflect the actual effect of teaching, and promote the improvement of teaching quality.