【期刊名称】《医疗卫生装备》 【年(卷),期】2012(033)012
【摘要】目的:气动密封门故障是脉动真空灭菌器的主要故障类型,拟通过该类型故障的原因进行统计和分析,寻求相应的解决措施.方法:以某院现有6台脉动真空灭菌器在2002-01-2009-12期间运行中产生的363例操作门气动密封故障信息为样本,针对每台灭菌器发生气动密封门故障的现象进行对比分析,查找故障原因及故障发生规律.结果:气动密封门故障主要表现为蒸汽外泄、压缩空气负压内泄和压缩空气正压内泄等类型,且6台灭菌器间的故障发生率未有明显差别,但故障总体分布呈逐年递减趋势.结论:气动密封门故障既影响灭菌器的正常运行,也会导致医疗器材灭菌失败,需要对其关注并采取合适的日常维护和维修措施,才能最大限度降低气动密封门故障发生的概率.%Objective To analyze the causes for the failures of the pneumatic seal door of the pulsing vacuum sterilizer and put forward the countermeasures. Methods There were 363 cases of failures of the pneumatic seal door for the six pulsing vacuum sterilizers in some hospital during January 2002 to December 2009, which were analyzed for their causes and law. Results The causes included steam releasing as well as negative and positive pressure leakage of the compressed air, and there was no significant difference among the failure rates of the six ventilators. The total failure rate tended to decrease year after year. Conchusion The failure of pneumatic