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Bill and Fred studied at a university and they were friends. They didn’t have much money, so when it was time for their holidays, Fred said, “Let’s take our holidays in a trailer[1], Bill. It’s cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my father’s trailer.” Fred was very happy. So they got into the trailer and began their holidays. They wanted to get up early the next day to go fishing, but they didn’t have an alarm[1] clock.

“That’s all right, Bill,\“I’ll put these pieces of bread on the roof[3] of the trailer tonight and they’ll wake us up in the morning.\’t say anything.

Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light, small birds came down to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly.

Notes:[1]trailer/`treIl/ n. 活动房屋式的拖车 [2]alarm/`la:m/ n. 警报 alarm clock 闹钟 [3]roof/ru:f/ n. 顶;房顶 1.Bill and Fred were both university s .

2.The two young men decided to go t during their summer holidays.

3.The two young men tried to s some money,so they borrowed a trailer.

4.The two young men wanted to get up, but they were a to wake up too late the next morning. 5.Fred had a good i .

6.Bill didn’t know w his friend put some bread on the top of the trailer.

7.The next morning, the birds found the bread and flew to e it.

8.In fact, the b woke the two young men up.

9.The birds began to look for f as soon as it got light. 10.Fred was very c .

答案:1.students 2.traveling 3.save 4.afraid 5.idea 6.why 7.eat 8.birds 9.food 10.clever


Some children think writers are great and they can tell people a lot. So they also wish to be writers some day. They mean that they want to write stories or books which many persons will read. I would like to remind[1] them that they will need to be good readers and to read a lot in order to[2] be good writers.

Nearly all great writers read too long before they started to school, and read for hours and hours every day since they became good readers. Instead of watching TV in the evening, they spend much of their spare[3] time reading books.

If you are a good reader, it won’t take you long to do the reading homework your teacher asks you to do. Then you will have time to read other books for fun. Because you read so well, you keep looking for more books to read.

While making up your mind[4] to become a good writer, you had better say to yourself,“I must read more and more if I am really to become a good writer.\

Notes: [1]remind/rI`maInd/v. 提醒 [2]in order to 为了 [3]spare /spe/adj. 多余的 [4]make up one’s mind 下决心 1.Some of the children like the g writers.

2.The writer told the children to read m before they hope to be writers.

3.A lot of writers l a lot from other writers' books and stories.

4.For a student, he or she should do the reading homework well f .

5.Doing much good reading can h you to be a good writer.

答案:1.great 2.more 3.learned 4.first 5.help


Australia is one of the greatest islands in the world.It is a little smaller than China.It is in the south of the earth.So when there is hot summer in our country,it is cold winter in Australia.

Australia is big,but the population[1] has small.The population of Australia is the same as that of Shanghai,a city in China.

Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos[2].After a short drive from any town,you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep,sheep,sheep,everywhere are sheep.Have you seen a

kangaroo?It has a “bag” in its body.The mother kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the “bag”.It is very interesting,isn’t it? Notes:[1]population /、ppjuleIn/n.人口 [2]kangaros /、kg`ru:/n.袋鼠

根据短文内容判断正(√)、误(×)。 1.China is larger than Australia. 2.Australia is an island country.

3.The population of Australia is as large as that of China. 4.Kangaroos are small animals like mouse(老鼠) in our house. 5.Kangaroos always carry bags on their backs. 答案: 1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.×


Summer holiday began and Richard left California and went traveling in Africa[1]. He lost his wallet in a hotel and he had a little money left. He had to go to a city where one of his friends worked. There he was going to borrow some money so that he could fly back to his country. He got on a bus and the conductor held out to



