463. a kind of 465. kind of ) 窗 门, (敲 466. knock at 有点儿,有几分 了解 468.know about sth. 撞在某人身上467. knock into sb. 缺乏 470.lack of 以…而闻名469.be known for sth. 471.at large 最后,终于 472. at last 逍遥法外的
嘲笑,漠视 474. laugh at 迟到473. be late for (school) 导致;通向 476.lead to 布置;安排,陈列475. lay out 得知;获悉 478.learn of/about 团员477.league member 479.learn one's lesson 记住 480.learn by heart . 接受教训 ) 技能(学习 482. learn to do sth. 向…学习481.learn from sb. 乱扔,乱放 484. leave about(around) 至少483. at least 到。去,出发前往 486. leave for 留下,遗留,超过485. leave behind 在左边 488. on the left 留下487. leave over 少于,不到 490.less than 把……借给……489. lend sth to sb. 491. do one's lessons 上课 492. have lessons 做功课 让…进来 494. let in 给…教训493. teach sb. a lesson 生活水平 496.level of living 放出,发出;泄露495. let out 取决于,依赖,压迫497. lie on 过着幸福生活498.live a happy life 传记 500.life story充满活力499. full of life 点火,点燃 502.light up让…搭便车501. give sb. a lift 504.feel like像503. be like 想要 排成行,排成列 506.line up似乎,好像505. look like 一点儿;少量) 508. a little 讲话(听…507. listen to 渐渐509.little by little 靠…生活 510. live on 高水准的生活 512. high standards of living谋生511. make a living 不久以后,很快
514.before long 起居室513.living-room 516.long before 很久以前515. long ago 很久以前 不再any longer … 518.not 不再517. no longer 照料 520. look after 渴望519.long for sth. 看;观看521.look at 寻找 522. look for 查寻)参考书中\\在字典 524.look up (当心,小心523 .look out 看一看 526.take a look 看一看525. have a look 许多,大量 528.a lot of =lots of 盼望527.look forward to 欣喜若狂 530.be mad with joy 吃午饭529. have lunch 主修;专业 532. major in 对…痴迷530.531.be mad about sth. 停车534. park the car主旨533.major idea 兼任,部分时间 536. part time参加535.take part in 党员 538.Party member 尤其,特别537.in particular 539.a political party 双方 540.both parties 政党 去世;死 542.pass away经过541.pass by 经过,通过 544.pass through 传递543. pass on时间545.in the past( 付钱;付出代价 546.pay for 过去;) 去参观,拜访) 548.pay a visit to债务(偿清547. pay off 举行仪式 550.perform a ceremony注意549.pay attention to 。劝说 552.persuade sb.to do sth。允许551.permit sb. to do sth 选出,挑出 554. pick out 照相553. take photos 提取,搭便车556.pick-up拾起 555. pick up 野餐 558.have a picnic 弹钢琴557. play the piano ) 片,块…(一张 560.a piece of 。给…照相559.take a picture of sb一大堆 562.piles of 累积561.pile up 少先队员 564.the Young Pioneers 挤入,进入563. pile into !多遗憾啊! 566.What a
pity。怜悯某人565.pity for sb 发生 568. take place 代替某人职务567.take one's place
让位 570.give place to代替;接替569.take the place of 。计划做某事 572. plan to do sth在适当的位置571.in place 。起作用 574.play a part in sth。开某人玩笑573.play a joke on sb玩火575.play with fire . 不客气 576. My pleasure. 指出)578. point out 不可数名词(充足的577.plenty of 瞄准 580. point at指着579.point to 。受…欢迎,喜爱581.be popular with sb 邮局 582. post office 倾倒,倾泻) 584. pour down 公告、布告(贴出583. post up 涌出 586.pour out 蜂拥而来585.pour in在实践中,实际上,587.in practice。练习做589. practise doing sth国际惯例 588.international practice B 而不愿A宁愿 590.prefer A to B某事 现在;目前 592. at present。准备,使有准备591. prepare for sth假装做某事593. pretend to do sth. 。阻止某人做某事 594. prevent sb. from doing sth 一个关键问题 596.a key problem 坐牢595. in prison 在……有进展 598.make progress in sth. 正在进展中597. in progress保护600.protect from答应,允诺599.make a promise 以…为自豪601.be proud of 。为某人提供某物602. provide sb. with sth/provide sth for sb 拆毁;推毁;推 604. pull down公开地,当众603. in public 606. pull out(进站)火车605.pull in( 离站)火车 惩罚,处罚 608.punish for靠在路边)车(把 607. pull over把…收起来 610.put away 故意地;为了
609.on purpose 612.put sth. down 上演:穿上,放上611. put on 忍受;忍耐;受苦 614.put up with举起,建立613. put up 。就…争吵) 616.quarrel about sth意见、建议(提出615.put forward 不可能的 618.out of the question。与…争吵617.quarrel with sb 相当多619.quite a bit/a little/a few/a number of 倒不如说;更 621.rather than 通过无线电广播620.on the radio 623.read through朗读622.read aloud 读一遍 记录下来625. keep a record 为…准备好624.be/ get ready for 拒绝;不接受 627. refuse to do sth)谈到 提到, 。查阅,626. refer to sb/sth628. regard A as BB 视为A把 ) 没做的事 (。遗憾)/regret to do sth 做过的事(。抱歉629.regret doing sth 。记得做过… 631.remember doing sth。记得去做…630.remember to do sth 。提醒…做某事 633. remind sb. to do sth。请向…致意632. Remember me to sb 对…作出反应 635.reply to sb./sth. )。使某人想起某事634. remind sb.of sth 。探究,调查 637.research into sth。对…进行研究636.do research on sth638.respect to/of sb 休息一会儿 639.take/have a rest 。尊敬;尊重某人 由于,因此 641.as a result 公用厕所,洗手间640.rest room 导致 643.result in 。由……产生642.result from 645. rich in sth往返的票644.a return ticket 。含…大量的 在右边 647.on the right 行了,好吧。646. all right 马上,立刻 649.right now 马上,立刻648.right away 挂断电话 651.ring off 回电话650.ring back 给…打电话 653.give
sb.a ring给…打电话652.ring up 翻滚 655.roll over …扮演…角色654.play a role of 终年;一年到头657.all the year round给…腾出地方656.make room for 一直;不停地658.round the clock 通常 659.as a rule
统治,支配 661. rule over排除在外660.rule out 运转良好 663.run well 逃跑,逃脱662.run away 最后;从长远看来 665. in the long run得痢疾664. have the runs 到处跑666.run about 追逐,追踪;追求 667.run after 遇上,偶然遇到 669. run into撞倒)用车668. run down( 高峰时间 671.rush hour用光;耗尽670.run out of sth. 冲向672.rush at 安然无恙的 673.safe and sound 出售,上市 675.on sale待售,出售674.for sale 仍然;虽然…还是 677.all the same 同时676.at the same time 对…感到满意 679.be satisfied with 和…一样678.the same as 储存,储蓄, 681.save up救某人的命680. save one's life 在学校 683. at school 放学后682.after school 因…责备某人 685.scold sb. for sth 上学684.go to school 686.scores of 乘船 687.by sea 许多,大量 调查689.search into。搜索,搜寻688.search for sth 坐下 691.take a seat 就座690.be seated 693. keep sth a secret 等一会儿 692. wait a second 保密 识破,看穿 695.see through为…送行694.see sb.off 看电影 697.see a movie看医生696.see a doctor 。尝试,试图;企图 699.seek to do sth寻找,追求,探索698.seek for/after 售完 701.sell out 。似乎是,仿佛