(2) Charles said, “As soon as I see a real tall building, I want to climb it. (3) Last Sunday, police cars hurry to the taller building in New York.
(4) As a result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.
(5) Therefore, there are still some countries where people have shorter lives.
(6) People in industrial countries can expect to live for twice so long as people who lived a few hundred years ago.
(7) In some places you may borrow many books as you want.
(8) I told Mother, Father, Sister and all my friends here that a great time I had. (9) I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting. (10) I‘m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (11) First, let me tell you something more about myself.
(12) I used to play ping-pong a lot in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. (13) Also, the sport teaches us the important of obedience. (14) Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family.
(15) I think I liked those classes because I felt that they helped me understand what the world works.
(16) After learning the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed very practically to me. (17) Whenever I see them I will often think of my English teacher. (18) What things are in other homes, I wonder.
(19) For instance, one night he played strong and loudly music till four o‘clock in the morning.
(20) But he is difference now.
(21) The time passes quickly. Evening came down. (22) …although radios can be very noise.
(23) …all planned and written by grown-ups to make children want things that they don‘t real need.
(24) But one of the best players in our team told me just then that he wouldn‘t play basketball any more.
(25) But one of the best players in our team told me just now that he wouldn‘t play basketball once more.
(26) I would describe myself as shy and quietly. (27) Finding information on the Net is easily. (28) Yes, a concert can be very excited.
(30) Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun.
(31) She called 119 immediate.
(32) However, we seldom felt lonely or helplessly.
1.immediate adj立即的,即刻的;立刻的,马上2.clear adj 清楚的,清晰的 3.cautious adj小心翼翼的 4.vivid adj 生动的,逼真的
5.exactly adv1.确切地,精确地。完全地 2.恰好地,正好地6.fortunately adv.幸运地
3. (用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样)
7.surprisingly adv令人惊讶的 8.hardly adv 几乎不 9.instead adv代替,相反 10.at least 至少 11. specially adv专门 12.especially adv 特别,尤其 13.simply adv 简单地;仅仅,只不过 14.namely adv即,也就是
15.not nearly = far from = nowhere near远非,远远不,一点也不 16.patient adj耐心的;n 病人 17.plain adj简单的,朴素的 18.familiar adj熟悉的。 19.lucky adj 幸运的 20.amazing adj令人惊异的, 21.accidentally adv 1. 偶然地。意外地 2. 附带地22.silent adj沉默的 23.calm adj平静的 24.secret adj 秘密的 25.otherwise adv 否则 26.meanwhile adv期间,同时 27.besides adv除…..以外还有 28.efficient adj高效的,有效的 29. flexible adj 灵活的 30.complex adj复杂的
31.smooth adj平稳的,光滑的,顺利的 32.cautious adj小心翼翼的 33.sensitive adj 敏感的,体贴的 34.honest adj诚实的
35.confident adj自信的 36.shy adj .1.害羞的,腼腆2.羞涩的 37.thoughtful adj 1. 深思的,沉思的 2. 富有思想的。经认真推敲的 38.lighthearted and optimistic adj无忧无虑而且非常乐观 39.nevertheless adj然而 40.private adj私人的(private cars)
41.personal adj个人的(personal belongings) 42.unique adj唯一的,独一无二的。独特的 43.favourable adj赞同的,有利的 44.precious adj 宝贵的,珍贵的 45.essential adj必要的,重要的 46.worthwhile adj 值得的
47.physical adj体力的,物理的 48.sudden adj 突然的 49.merely adv仅仅,只 50.rarely adv 罕见的
51.splendidly adj 极好地,灿烂地 52.increasingly adv 越来越多地 53.naturally adv自然地 54.accurate adj精确的,准确的
55.ridiculous adj可笑的,荒谬的 56.urgent adj紧急的,急迫的 57.shallow adj浅的,肤浅的 58.frequently adv经常地,频繁地 59.especially adv特别地,尤其地60.obviously adv显而易见
61.necessarily adv必要地,必须地,必然地 62.generally adv一般地,通常地 63.eventually adv最终,最后64.adoptable adv可采用的,可收养的
65.acceptable adj可以接受的66.available (adj)可利用的,可使用的,可得到的
67.accessible adj易接近的,易受影响的,可理解的68.relatively adv 相对地,比较地 69.approximately adv大约 70.absolutely adv绝对正确,
71.punctual adj守时的 72.gentle adj温柔的 73.neatly adv整洁地 74.entirely adv完全地 75.highly adv高度地,非常地 76.strongly adv强烈地,坚固地 77.extremely adv极端地,非常78.reasonably adv合乎情理地 79.eagerly adv热切地;渴望地 80.badly adv很,非常
81.slightly adv稍微,轻微地 82.equally adv平等地 83.lately adv最近,近来84.enthusiastic adj热情的。热烈的。热心的 85.energetic adj精力充沛的,有活力的86.talkative adj 1. 喜欢说话的 87.impressive adj 影象深刻的2. 多嘴的 3. 健谈的
88.traditional adj 传统的 89.practical adj 1. 实践的,实际的
90.similar adj 类似的,相似的91.convenient adj 方便的,便利的
92.sooner or later 迟早,早晚, 93.more or less 或多或少,差不多,几乎 94.once in a while 偶尔,时而不时 95.now and then 偶尔,有时