选择性吸附 Cd2+的磁性印迹壳聚糖球粒
【期刊名称】《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)006
【摘要】文章制备了一种能够选择性吸附C d2+的磁性印迹壳聚糖球粒。该壳聚糖球粒是以C d2+为模板,通过分子印迹技术将磁性的Fe3 O4纳米粒子包裹入壳聚糖球粒内,使壳聚糖球粒具有磁性。结果表明:磁性印迹壳聚糖球粒对C d2+具有很高的选择性吸附能力,其对C d2+的吸附能力为C u2+的2倍,是Z n2+的3倍;该壳聚糖球粒能够在外界磁场作用下方便快捷地与水体发生分离,从而实现对水体中重金属离子的移除与富集;该壳聚糖球粒可以重复使用,在循环5次后仍保持了超过90%的吸附能力。该制作磁性印迹壳聚糖球粒的技术不仅能够应用于C d2+的吸附与分离过程,也能应用于其他重金属离子的吸附与分离过程。%In this paper ,a kind of magnetic and molecular imprinting chitosan spheres was prepared which were able to selectively absorb Cd2+ ions .Cd2+ ions were used as templates to fabricate the mo‐lecular imprinting chitosan spheres ,magnetic Fe3 O4 nanoparticles were embedded into the chitosan spheres to endow the spheres magnetism .The results showed that ,firstly ,the absorption ability of such chitosan spheres to Cd2+ was high ,which was two times that of Cu2+ ,and was about three times that of Zn2+ ;secondly ,such chitosan spheres were able to be separated from the aqueous solutions conveniently and very quickly under the external magnetic field ,and
选择性吸附 Cd2+的磁性印迹壳聚糖球粒