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【期刊名称】《油气地质与采收率》 【年(卷),期】2013(020)003 【总页数】8页(P后插1-后插8) 【正文语种】英 文 【中图分类】工业技术
PETROLEUM GEOLOGY AND RECOVERY EFFICIENCYVol.20No.1- 62013CONTENTS·EXPERT FORUM ·New evaluation method for recovery theory on water-flooding based on pore sweep extentWang Duanping( 5 )Drilling result of exploration wells and analysis on measures for Jiyang depressionduring the “11th Five-Year”Cao Zhongxiang, Li Youqiang( 6 )Analysis on several dialectical relationship of petroleum exploration workYu Baohua( 6 ) ·PETROLEUM GEOLOGY ·Abrief analysis on
reservoir-forming acting surface and its petroleum geological significance-case of Dongying sag, Jiyang depression Mechanism and characteristics of petroleum downward migration in Chexi sag of Chezhen depression Wang Xuejun, Xiang Lihong, Hao Xuefeng et al(1)Triassic sequence
stratigraphy and sedimentary characteristics in Hami depressionWang Jun, Song Mingshui, Jiang Suhua et al( 1 )Control of tectonic evolution on sedimentary systems and hydrocarbon accumulation, South Sumatra Basin,
Indonesia Distribution and characteristic of lower Cretaceous source rocks in Ying’ er sag, Jiuquan basinStudy on shale mineral component content model in Luojia area Inner architecture characterization of underwater distributary channel-case of Es281 sand unit of Shengtuo oilfield LiGuodong, Yan Ke, Ning Shihua( 1 )Study on pore structure characteristics of super-low permeability and ultra-low permeability reservoirs by means of constant-speed mercury intrusion technique-case of oil layers of Chang 3 of the Yanchang Formation in Fuxian exploration area of the Ordos Basin Cai Yue, Zhao Le, Xiao Shuping et al( 1 )Occurrence and significance of gaseous water in reservoir The sequence stratigraphy framework and distribution characteristics fortheJiufotang formation in the west area of Lujiapu sagFlow units division and feasibility for the sencond areaofDalugou oil reservoir, Jing’ an oilfieldZhang Fumei, Fang Chaogang, Peng Gongming et al( 1 )Discussion on dynamic
implications of oil reservoir type and propertyHao Xuefeng, Yin Lijuan( 2 )Analysis of petroleum system characteristic and the exploration potential in North AfricaSong Chengpeng, Tong Xiaoguang, Zhang Guangya et al( 2 )Formation fluid evolution and oil accumulation in Niuzhuang sag, Dongying depressionXie Yubao( 2 )Application of high resolution sequence stratigraphy on remaining oil distribution of
continentalreservoirs: case of Karamay formation of east Karamay oilfieldLiu Yan, Ding Xiaoqi, Li Xuewei( 2 )Analysis of diagenesis and major controlling factors on reservoir quality of the Liushagang
formationinHuachang-Bailian area, Fushan depression, Beibuwan basinLiu
Jie, Sun Meijing, Yue Shaofei et al( 2 )Forming features of interior reservoir in metamorphic rock of Archean Eonothem, Liaohe depression Ma Zhihong( 2 )Characteristics of Es4 oil and geological significance, east part of South Slope, Dongying sagXuWei, Song Guoqi, Wang Jianwei( 2 )Sedimentary micro-facies in H3Ⅳ of block Bi123-124, Gucheng oilfield, Henan Sun Minghe, Cheng Lu, Tian Jijun( 2 )Difficulties and treatments in three-dimensional geological modeling of fractural
reservoirsNie Yongsheng, Tian Jingchun, Wei Shengxiang et al( 2 )Study on sedimentary facies of down-Cretaceous formation of Zuunbyan 3D area in MongoliaLiYouqiang, Li Ke( 2 )Characteristics on lithosomic sand bodies of upper member of Guantao formation in Zhanhua
depressionNing Shihua, Xiao Fei, Shu Ningkai( 2 )Favorable geological conditions for oil and gas accumulation in Nanpu depression Fu Guang, Guo Yuchao, Dong Yanan et al( 3 ) Analysis of tectonic stress direction of Tarim basin during neotectonic period Huang Yuping, Jiang Zhenglong, Li Jingrui et al( 3 ) Relationship between fault characteristics and their relation with hydrocarbonaccumulation in Yongan areaXue Yan, Wu Zhiping, Li Wei et al( 3 )Study on distribution and influence factors of remaining oil in point bar of meandering riverWang Mingchuan, Zhu Weiyao, Dong Weihong et al( 3 )Discussion on abandoned channels recognition and distribution models on meandering river reservoir
architectureresearch-case study of upper member of Guantao formation in Gudao oilfieldZhang Benhua( 3 )Water distribution and main influencing factors in He8 member, north of East-2 of Sulige gasfieldJinWenhui, Wang