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2004年1月 注意事项





10.WherewouldthewomanliketOgO to? : A.The south. · B.The north. C.The east.

三、理解段落(10分) , 你将听到一段对话,请根对对话判断下列句子是否符合对话内容。符合的选择T(True),不符合的选择F(False),并在答题纸上圈出该项。对话前后各有30秒钟的停顿,以便阅读问题并核对答案。对话读两遍。

11.Janehasalreadytalked tO alotOfpeople.

12.PhiliphasjUStgotanewjObandheisveryhappy. 13.Emily works as a translator in Germany. 14.Emily will come back and stay in Britain. 15.Tim is much tallerthanJane.



16.Did you——early this morning? A.get Up B.got Up C.getting up

17·——stole his camera while he is lying On the beach. A.Anyone B.Someone C Everyone

18The baby is named——the nurse who was looking after her. A.with B.for C aher

19. Afterthey hnished——fOOtball,theywent fOra drink ina pub. A.playng B. tO play C.play

20.Shewillhavethecurtain(窗帘)——beforetheguestscome. A.tO be Changed B;Changed C.Changing

21, Shall we——a“me fOr our next meeting? A.make B. decide C. fix

22 I have no idea whO st01e his wallet. It——anyone. A.COUld have been B.ShOUld have been C。must have been

23.I here fOralmost 20 years. A.1ive

B. am gOing tO 1ive C.have been 1iving

24. DaUaniseast——Beiing,——thecoast. A.tO,on B.Of,on C.Of,at

25.He to the hospital after the accident.

A. took

B. was takingC. was taken 五、完型填空(20分)


Last week Judy Summers, a colleague of Xiaoyan' s, got married. Xiaoyan was invited (26) the wedding, and she was interested to see how different it was (9.7) weddings in China. It was a traditional wedding, and it took place in a church rather (28) in a register office. Xiaoyan went there at about 3 o' clock (29) wait for the bride with everyone else. The groom, Richard Glenn, was already there with his brother, (30) was the best man. The best

man helps the groom and carries the wedding ring (31) the groom puts it on the finger of the bride. After a (32) Judy arrived with her father and with two little girls, who were her bridesmaids. She was dressed (33) a long white dress. After the ceremony a photographer (34) several photographs, and then everyone went off to the reception in a hotel. At the hotel they (35) a long meal, then there was music and dancing until the early morning -- by that time the bride and groom had left the party to go away on their honeymoon.

26. A. in B. to C. by 27. A. from B. of C. to 28. A. then B. than C. away 29. A. and B. so C. to 30. A. who B. whom C. that 31. A. so B. until C. after 32. A. time B. hour C. while 33. A. on B. in C. up 34. A. did B. made C. took 35. A. had B. have C. ate 第三部分:阅读理解(20分)六、词汇匹配(5分)


36. comedy (A) You need four of them for your radio.37. baggy (B) If I won it, I~d buy another restaurant.38. lottery (C) They are very friendly and warm to their guests.39. battery (D) You need to get a smaller jumper.40. hospitality (E) A kind of bird that has got colourful feathers (F) Let's go to something really funny to make us laugh. (G) You don~t look very well. You'd better go to see a doctor.



短文理解(15分) Dear Vicky,

I live in Aberdeen, in the north of Scotland. My family live in Cornwall, at the other end of the country. My parents are getting old now, and I really want to go and see them this Christmas. The problem is my boss. He only gives us 2 days' holiday at Christmas.It's 500 miles to go from Aberdeen to Cornwall and then 500 miles back again, and I~ll beexhausted (筋疲力尽) when I get back. I want to ask for more time off, but I don~t get on very well with my boss. A few months ago, he walked into the room and heard some of us saying rude things about him. Since then the atmosphere (气氛) has been very difficult.

Anxious in Aberdeen

Dear Anxious in Aberdeen,

It's obvious to me'that you need to rebuild your relationship with your boss. You have hurt his feelings, and now that you need something from him. You have realized what you have done. There is only one thing to do. it's time you apologized. I~m sure your boss will be relieved (宽慰的). If you explain why you need the time off, he will probably be more than happy to let you go. Good luck!


41. What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas? A. He wants to have a long holiday abroad (海外的). B. He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away. C. He wants to change his job.

42. How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall? A. 500 miles. B. 1500 miles.

C. 1000 miles.

43. Why doesn't the letter-writer get on well with his boss? A. His boss is a very rude person. B. His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him. C. The letter-writer doesn't like the atmosphere at work. 44. What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do? A. To make his boss feel sorry about what happened. B. To have a good relationship with other people at work. C. To apologize to his boss for what he (the letter-writer) has done.

45. What does Vicky think the letter-writer's boss will do after he hears the explanation A. He will probably be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday. B. He will not be happy to let the letter-writer go. C. He will probably give the letter-writer a raise (涨工资). 短文理解2(10 分)

Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 in Brighton. She and her family lived in Brighton until she was ten. Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until she left school-- that's Fendale Secondary School -- at eighteen. Then she went to London Business College and got a diploma (JCl) in Marketing (市场营销) . After that Sarah Peters got a job with a hotel group -- the TFC Hotel Group -- in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That happened in 1992 and she left the hotel group in October 1993. She left because she didn't like to stay in Liverpool. She wanted to work in London. Her life changed a lot after she went to London. She joined a large business company and soon made a name for herself (出名的 )because of her special ability and excellent work in marketing.Sarah Peters is now married with two lovely daughters (女儿) Besides (除了) being an excellent marketing expert and a good mother, she is also a good writer. She has written two books about her marketing experiences.

46. Sarah Peters received her secondary education (中学教育) in Brighton. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn't say.

47. She studied Marketing in London Business College. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn't say. 48. She got her first job in 1993. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn't say. 49. She got on well with people working in the business company in London. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn't say. 50. She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn‘ t say.第四部33:写作(2033)八、完成句子(10分)

根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完整,并将答案写在答题纸上。 51. A:Would you 1ike to go to the cinema? B:hisverycoldoutside.——(我宁愿)stayathome. 52. A:Would you like the silk shirt or the cotton one? B:———·(哪个都行)

53. Sheasked一·(她是否能喝一杯茶) 54. ——(照顾小孩)canbeverytiring. 55.There’senoughsala,——?(是不是)



