1、When he was questioned about the missing disk, he firmly _______ that he had seen it.(1.04)( ) A.denied B.refused C.disputed D.rejected
2、As a working mother I don't have time to play with my son everyday. Most of my friends would say _______.(1.04)( ) A.same B.the same C.a same D.of same
3、Since she has never been in such a dangerous situation before, her _______ was understandable.(1.04)( ) A.eagerness B.calmness C.strength D.fear
标准答案:D 4、After the test, a special prize was _______ to the chief designer of the new product.(1.04)( ) A.deserved B.reserved C.warded D.rewarded
5、From the earliest time, it was _______ knowledge to the Peruvians that a white liquid would come out a rubber tree.(1.04)( ) A.right B.common C.ready D.ordinary
6、We couldn't help _______ doubtful about his honesty after he had lied so many times before.(1.04)( ) A.being B.be
C.to be D.to being
7、It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.(1.04)( ) A.impression B.reaction C.comment D.opinion
8、If you put too many potatoes in that bag, it will _______.(1.04)( ) A.separate B.crack C.burst D.collapse
9、After a sleepless night, he _______ a new proposal.(1.04)( ) A.took up with B.broke up with C.put up with D.came up with
10、_______ years of enormous government support, few urban public transportation systems run at a profit.(1.04)( ) A.Based on B.Due to C.Because of D.In spite of
11、Shakespeare compared the world ______ a stage.(1.04)( ) A.with B.to C.for D.as
12、All foreign merchants were made to pay heavy _______ on the goods they sold
and bought.(1.04)( ) A.weights B.prices C.tasks D.duties
13、In sales, shops may say “Thousands of items at half-price\_______ at such a drastic reduction.(1.04)( ) A.ready B.handy C.affordable D.available
14、Nice words may win friends, but only one's good personality and credit can hold _______.(1.04)( ) A.it B.that C.those D.them
15、He came all the way to China for promoting friendship _______ for making money.(1.04)( ) A.much than B.more than C.better than D.rather than
16、The professor was surprised at the full _______ and began his lecture with enthusiasm.(1.04)( ) A.attendance B.audience C.appearance D.presence
17、I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _______ when judging my examination.(1.04)( ) A.regard
B.counting C.account D.observation
18、He was afraid he would have to _______ her invitation to the party.(1.04)( ) A.refresh B.refuse C.ignore D.decline
19、_______ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.(1.04)( ) A.As soon as B.As well as C.So far as D.So long as
标准答案:D 20、_______ you were busy, I wouldn't have bothered you with my questions.(1.04)( ) A.Realized B.As I realized C.I had realized D.Had I realized
标准答案:D 21、In the desert, even a small cup of water may be a _______ of life or death.(1.04)( ) A.fact B.thing C.matter D.business
22、That was such a serious matter that I had no choice but _______ the police.(1.04)( ) A.called in B.calling in C.call in
D.to call in
23、I need to rent a larger apartment. Do you know of any _______ ones in this neighborhood?(1.04)( ) A.blank B.vacant C.open D.free
标准答案:B 24、The _______ bridge was built in 1700 and rebuilt 20 years ago.(1.04)( ) A.beautiful white stone B.white beautiful stone C.beautiful stone white D.white stone beautiful
25、_______ to the question of drinks, I think orange juice will be enough.(1.04)( ) A.As B.Due
C.According D.Up
26、His film career began after the war, __________ he had already appeared in the films before that.(1.04)( ) A.even B.except C.although D.despite
27、Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man __________ it is for a woman.(1.04)( ) A.as B.than C.that D.when
28、When he entered the classroom, he found __________.(1.04)( ) A.reading her English
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