【期刊名称】《西南农业学报》 【年(卷),期】2000(013)003
【摘要】The effects of CPPU on fruit growth of Momordica ch arantia L.were studied.The result showed that 10mg.L-1,20mg.L-1 and 50mg.L-1 of CPPU accelerated the ovary growth and caused the fruit r ipen earlier than the control,when Momordica charantia L.ovary were soaked wit h CPPU solution at anthesis,and 1 day before or after anthesis respectively.Amon g them,20mg.L-1CPPU treated at anthesis was more effective.The fruit fres h weight and dry weight increased by 26.8% and 7.8% over the control respect ively. CPPU dramatically increased the fruit cell diameter in radical section, v ertical section and tangential section by 10.92%-35.42%,11.40%-40.97% and 10.55%-28.38%,respectively,than the control.CPPU accelerated cell divis ion and growth at early period.This might be related to CPPU regulating endogeno us IAA,GA,CTK and ABA levels.%以中熟苦瓜品种蓝山大白为试材,用CPPU10mg.L-1 ,20mg.L-1,50mg.L-1和100mg.L-1在开花当天和花前3天,花前1天以及花后3天,花后1天处理苦瓜子房,研究了对苦瓜果实生长、膨大和产量形成以及营养品质的影响。同时,对CPPU促进苦瓜果实生长和膨大的机理作了研究。试验结果表明, 10mg.L-1、20mg.L-1和50mg.L-1的CPPU在开花前、后1天和开花当天处理苦瓜子房,有加速