关键词: 绿色金融; 碳金融市场; 法律体制; 低碳技术; 金融工具
In today's society, human development concept and pattern happen big changes, the global industry faces a new generation of technology innovation and industry upgrading, so must strengthen the concept of green development. Build a green finance system of our country economic model, implement green and sustainable development policy has a very positive role, developing green finance is not only beneficial to the healthy development of China's financial institutions, promote the economic transformation and optimization of the financial structure, also can better cope with the international financial market competition and challenges, maintain a good international image of our country. The eu green financial development both in carbon financial markets, products and services or legal policy, can be seen in the rich experience of green financial market depends on the development of carbon trading platform construction, emissions trading market mechanism and legal system is a good way to protect and support the development of green finance, therefore, in order to promote the green financial system construction in our country, must improve the carbon trading mechanism and green financial legal system, intensify the government's support, develop and promote clean energy and low-carbon technologies, green financial tools, finally, innovation to adapt to the international development trend.
Key words: Green finance; Carbon financial markets; Legal system; Low carbon technology; Financial instruments
目 录
1 引言 ............................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ......................................... 1 1.2 研究意义 ......................................... 11.3 文献综述 ......................................... 11.3.1 国外研究现状 ................................... 11.3.2 国内研究现状 ................................... 12 绿色金融概述 ....................................... 32.1 绿色金融的内涵与特征 ............................. 42.2 发展绿色金融的意义 ............................... 42.2.1 有利于我国金融机构的健康发展 ................... 42.2.2 促进经济转型和金融结构的优化 ................... 52.2.3 应对国际金融市场的竞争与挑战 ................... 52.2.4 维护我国良好的国际形象 ......................... 53 欧盟绿色金融体制建设经验的启示 ..................... 63.1 欧盟绿色金融的历史起源 ........................... 63.2 欧盟碳金融的发展 ................................. 73.3 欧盟绿色金融发展经验的启示 ....................... 8